

This blog provide students a study material for chemistry to prepare for Medical entrance exams in INDIA. Its source of Article and contexts is from other Organizational websites.
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Ostwald Law of dilution

Wilhelm Ostwald’s dilution law is a relationship between the dissociation constant and the degree of dissociation of a weak electrolyte (acids, bases).
\mathsf{K_p = \frac{c(K^+) \cdot c(A^-)}{c(KA)} = \frac{\alpha^2}{1-\alpha} \cdot c_0}
Kp constant of protolysis
α degree of dissociation (or degree of protolysis)
c(A-) concentrations of anions
c(K+) concentration of cations
c0 overall concentration
c(KA) concentration of associated electrolyte

Concerning conductivity, this results in the following relation:
\frac{\Lambda_c^2}{(\Lambda_0 - \Lambda_c)\Lambda_0}\cdot c = K_c
Kc constant of dissociation
Λc equivalent conductivity
Λ0 boundary conductivity
c concentration of electrolyte
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