- α (alpha), β (beta)
α- (β-, γ-) ray spectrometer- α-addition (alpha-addition)
- α-cleavage (alpha-cleavage)
- α-decay (alpha-decay)
- α-effect
- α-elimination
- α-expulsion in photochemistry
- α-oxo carbenes
- α-particle (alpha-particle)
- 'A' value
- Winstein–Holness A value
- ab initio quantum mechanical methods
- non-empirical quantum mechanical methods
- abatement in atmospheric chemistry
- abeo-
- abiological
- abiotic
- abiotic transformation
- absolute activation analysis
- absolute activity,
- absolute configuration
- absolute counting in radioanalytical chemistry
- absolute electrode potential
- absolute full energy peak efficiency
- absolute lethal concentration (
- absolute lethal dose (
- absolute photopeak efficiency
- absolute preconcentration in trace analysis
- absorbance,
- absorbance matching in spectrochemical analysis
- absorbed dose of a substance
- absorbed dose,
of radiation
- absorbed electron coefficient
in in situ microanalysis - absorbed electrons in in situ microanalysis
- absorbed (spectral) photon flux densityquantity
- absorbed (spectral) radiant power densityquantity
- absorber
- absorptance,
- absorption
- absorption coefficient
- absorption coefficient in biology
- absorption cross-section,
- absorption factor
- absorption intensity
- absorption line
- absorption pathlength of a sample cell
- absorption spectrum
- absorptivity
- abstraction
- abstraction process in catalysis
- abundance sensitivity in mass spectrometry
- ac
- accelerating voltage (high voltage,
) scan
in mass spectrometry - acceleration,
- acceleration energy in in situ microanalysis
- acceleration of free fall,
- accelerator in solvent extraction
- acceptable daily intake (
- acceptor number (
- accommodation coefficient
- accretion in atmospheric chemistry
- accuracy of a measuring instrument
- accuracy of measurement
- acenes
- acetals
- acetogenins
- acetonides
- acetylene black
- acetylenes
- acetylides
- Acheson graphite
- achiral
- achirotopic
- aci-nitro compounds
- acid
- acid anhydrides
- acid deposition in atmospheric chemistry
- acid rain in atmospheric chemistry
- acid thioanhydrides
- acid-labile sulfur
- acidimetric titration
- acidity
- acidity constant
- acidity function
- acidosis
- acid–base indicator
- acid–base titration
- actinic
- actinic flux
- actinism
- actinometer
- action spectrum
- activated adsorption process
- activated carbon
- activated charcoal
- activated complex
- activation
- activation analysis (nuclear)
- activation cross-section
- activation energy (Arrhenius activation energy)quantity
- activation in electrochemical corrosion
- activation in radiochemistry
- activation reaction
- activator
- active centre
- active medium
- active metal in electrochemical corrosion
- active site in heterogeneous catalysis
- active solid
- active species
- active state in electrochemical corrosion
- active transport in biology
- activity
- activity,
of a radioactive materialquantity
- activity coefficient,
- activity (relative activity),
- acute toxicity
- acyl anions
- acyl carbenes
- acyl cations
- acyl groups
- acyl halides
- acyl radicals
- acyl shift (1,2-, 1,3-, photochemical)
- acyl species
- acylals
- acylium ions
- acyloins
- acyloxyl radicals
- added hydrogen
- addend
- addition
- addition reaction
- additive
- additive name
- additivity of mass spectra
- additivity principle
- adduct
- adduct ion in mass spectrometry
- adhesional wetting
- adiabatic
- adiabatic electron transfer
- adiabatic ionization in mass spectrometry
- adiabatic lapse rate in atmospheric chemistry
- adiabatic photoreaction
- adiabatic transition-state theory
- adiabatic treatments of reaction rates
- adjacent re-entry model in polymer crystals
- adjusted retention volume in chromatography
- adjuvant
- adsorbate
- adsorbent
- adsorber
- adsorption
- adsorption capacity
- adsorption chromatography
- adsorption complex
- adsorption current
- adsorption hysteresis
- adsorption indicator
- adsorption isobar
- adsorption isostere
- adsorption isotherm in chromatography
- adsorptive
- advancement
- advection in atmospheric chemistry
- adverse effect
- aeration in atmospheric chemistry
- aerobe
- aerobic
- aerobic conditions
- aerogel
- aeromete in atmospheric chemistry
- aerometric measurement in atmospheric chemistry
- aerosol
- aerosol hydrolysis
- affine chain behaviour
- affinity chromatography
- affinity of reaction,
- after mass analysis in mass spectrometry
- ageing of precipitate
- agglomerate in catalysis
- agglomerate in polymer science
- aggregate in polymer science
- agglomeration (except in polymer science)
- coagulation
- flocculation
- agglomeration in polymer science
- aggregation in polymer science
- agglutination
- aggregate in catalysis
- aggregation (except in polymer science)
- aging (ageing) of a polymer
- aglycon (aglycone)
- agonist
- agostic
- agostic interaction
- agranular carbon
- air contaminant in atmospheric chemistry
- air mass in atmospheric chemistry
- air monitoring station in atmospheric chemistry
- air pollutant
- air pollution
- air pollution index (air quality index)
- air pollution survey in atmospheric chemistry
- air quality characteristic
in atmospheric chemistry - air resource management in atmospheric chemistry
- air sampling network in atmospheric chemistry
- air-lift bioreactor
- Aitken particles
- albedo
- albumin
- alcogel
- alcoholates
- alcohols
- alcoholysis
- aldaric acids
- aldazines
- aldehydes
- aldimines
- alditols
- aldoketoses
- aldonic acids
- aldoses
- aldoximes
- alert levels in atmospheric chemistry
- alicyclic compounds
- aliphatic compounds
- aliquot in analytical chemistry
- alkalimetric titration
- alkaloids
- alkalosis
- alkanes
- alkanium ions
- alkene photocycloaddition
- alkene photodimerization
- alkene photoisomerization
- alkene photorearrangement
- alkenes
- alkoxides
- alkoxyamines
- alkyl groups
- alkyl radicals
- alkylenes
- alkylidene groups
- alkylideneamino carbenes
- alkylideneaminoxyl radicals
- alkylideneaminyl radicals
- alkylidenes
- alkylidynes
- alkynes
- allele
- allenes
- allo- in amino-acid nomenclature
- allometric
- allosteric enzymes
- allostery
- allotriomorphic transition
- allotropes
- allotropic transition
- allylic groups
- allylic intermediates
- allylic substitution reaction
- alternancy symmetry
- alternant
- alternating copolymer
- alternating copolymerization
- alternating current
- alternating voltage
- altocumulus cloud in atmospheric chemistry
- altostratus cloud in atmospheric chemistry
- AM 0 sunlight
- AM 1 sunlight
- amalgam lamp
- ambident
- ambient air in atmospheric chemistry
- ambient air quality in atmospheric chemistry
- ambo
- Ames/salmonella test
- amic acids
- amide hydrazones
- amide oximes
- amides
- amidines
- amidium ions
- amidrazones
- aminals
- amine imides
- amine imines
- amine oxides
- amine ylides
- amines
- aminimides
- aminium ions
- aminiumyl radical ions
- amino radicals
- amino sugars
- amino-acid residue in a polypeptide
- aminonitrenes
- aminooxyl radicals
- aminoxides
- aminoxyl radicals
- aminyl oxides
- aminyl radicals
- aminylenes
- aminylium ions
- ammonium compounds
- ammonium imines
- ammonium ylides
- ammoniumyl radical ions
- amorphous carbon
- amount concentration,
- amount fraction,
for gaseous mixtures)quantity
- amount of substance,
- amount-of-substance concentration
- amount-of-substance fraction,
- ampereunit
- amperometric detection method
in electrochemical analysis - amphipathic
- amphiphilic
- amphiprotic (solvent)
- ampholytes
- ampholytic polymer
- polyampholyte
- amphoteric
- amplification reaction
- amplitude of alternating current
- amplitude of alternating voltage
- anabolism
- anaerobe
- anaerobic
- anaesthetic
- analgesic
- analogue metabolism
- analogue to digital converter (pulse)
- analyte
- analytical function
- analytical instrument
- analytical intercomparison
- analytical portion
- analytical pyrolysis
- analytical quality control
- analytical radiochemistry
- analytical sample
- analytical solution
- analytical solution calorimetry
- analytical unit (analyser)
- anation
- anchimeric assistance
- aneroid barometer
- Anger camera
- anglequantity
- angle of observation
- angle of optical rotation,
- angle strain
unit- angular distribution
- angular frequency,
- angular momentum,
- angular overlap model (AOM)
- anhydrides
- anhydro bases
- anilides
- anils
- anion
- anion exchange
- anion exchanger
- anion radical
- anion-exchange polymer
- anionic polymer
- anionic polymerization
- anionotropic rearrangement (or anionotropy)
- anisometric
- anisotropy
- annelation
- annihilation
- annulation
- annulenes
- annulenylidenes
- anode
- anodic transfer coefficient
- anomeric effect
- anomers
- ansa compounds
- antagonism
- antagonist
- antarafacial
- anthelmint(h)ic
- anthocyanidins
- anthocyanins
- anti
- anti-Compton γ-ray spectrometer
- anti-Hammond effect
- anti-Markownikoff addition
- anti-Stokes shift
- anti-Stokes type radiation (fluorescence)
- anti-thixotropy
- antiaromatic compounds
- antiaromaticity (antithetical to aromaticity)
- antibiotic
- antibody
- antibonding molecular orbital
- anticholinergic
- anticircular elution (anticircular development)
in planar chromatography - anticlinal
- anticlined structures in polymers
- anticodon
- anticyclone in atmospheric chemistry
- antiferroelectric transition
- antiferromagnetic transition
- antigen
- antihelminth
- antimetabolite
- antimony–xenon lamp (arc)
- antimycotic
- antiparticle
- antiperiplanar
- antipodes
- antiprismo-
- antiresistant
- antiserum
- antisymmetry principle
- ap
- apex
- apex current
- apex potential
- aphicide
- apical (basal, equatorial)
- apicophilicity
- apo- in carotenoid nomenclature
- apoenzyme
- apoprotein
- apoptosis
- apparent lifetime
- apparent (quantity)
- apparent viscosity of a liquid
- appearance energy (appearance potential)
- appearance potential
- appearance temperature,
in electrothermal atomization - applied potential
- aprotic (solvent)
- aquagel
- aquation
- arachno-
- Archibald's method
- area of an electrode-solution interface
- area of interface
- area viscosity
- areic
- arene epoxides
- arene oxides
- arenes
- arenium ions
- arenols
- arenonium ions
- argon ion laser
- arithmetic mean (average)
- aromatic
- aromatic photocycloaddition
- aromaticity
- arrester in atmospheric chemistry
- Arrhenius
- Arrhenius energy of activation
- Arrhenius equation
- arsanes
- arsanylidenes
- arsanylium ions
- arsenides
- arsine oxides
- arsines
- arsinic acids
- arsinidenes
- arsinous acids
- arsonic acids
- arsonium compounds
- arsonous acids
- arsoranes
- artificial graphite
- artificial neural networks
- artificial radioactivity
- aryl cations
- aryl groups
- arylene groups
- aryne
- ascending elution (ascending development)
in planar
chromatography - ash in atmospheric chemistry
- ashing in analysis
- aspirator
- assay
- assay kit
- association
- association reaction (associative combination)
in mass
spectrometry - associative desorption
- associative ionization in mass spectrometry
- associative surface reaction
- asym-
- asymmetric
- asymmetric carbon atom
- asymmetric centre
- asymmetric destruction
- asymmetric film
- asymmetric induction
- asymmetric membrane
- asymmetric photochemistry
- asymmetric synthesis
- asymmetric transformation
- asymmetry
- asymmetry potential of a glass electrode
- atactic macromolecule
- atactic polymer
- atmosphereunit
- atmosphere of the earth
- atmospheric pressure ionization
in mass spectrometry - atom
- atom-atom polarizability
- atom-bond polarizability
- atomic charge
- atomic fluorescence
- atomic laser
- atomic mass constantconstant
- atomic mass
- atomic mass unit
- atomic number,
- proton numberquantity
- atomic orbital,
- atomic ring-sector
- atomic spectral lines
- atomic symbol
- atomic units
- atomic weight
- atomization in analytical flame spectroscopy
- atomization surface temperature,
in electrothermal atomization - atomize
- atomizer in analytical flame spectroscopy
- atom–molecule complex mechanism
- atropisomers
- attachment
- attenuance,
- attenuance filter
- attenuation
- attenuation coefficient
- attoSI unit prefix
- attractive potential-energy surface
- attractive–mixed–repulsive
(AMR) classification - attributable risk
- aufbau principle
- Auger effect
- Auger electron
- Auger electron spectroscopy
- Auger electron yield
- Auger yield
- autacoid
- auto-ionization in mass spectrometry
- autocatalytic reaction
- automation in analysis
- automerization
- autophobicity
- autopoisoning in catalysis
- autoprotolysis
- autoprotolysis constant
- autoradiograph
- autoradiolysis
- auxiliary electrode
- auxochrome
- auxotrophy
- avalanche photodiode
- average current density
- average degree of polymerization
- average life in nuclear chemistry
- average rate of flow in polarography
- Avogadro constantconstant
- avoided crossing of potential-energy surfaces
- Avrami equation
- axial chirality
- axial (equatorial)
- axialite in polymer crystals
- axis of chirality
- axis of helicity
- aza-di-π-methane rearrangement
- azacarbenes
- azamines
- azanes
- azenes
- azides
- azimines
- azines
- azinic acids
- azlactones
- azo compounds
- azo imides
- azo ylides
- azomethine imides
- azomethine oxides
- azomethine ylides
- azomethines
- azonic acids
- azoxy compounds
- azylenes
- β (beta)
- β-cleavage in mass spectrometry
- β-decay
- β-particle
- back donation
- Chatt–Dewar–Duncanson model
- back electron transfer
- back extraction
- back scatter coefficient in in situ microanalysis
- back scattered electrons
in in situ microanalysis - back washing
- backbone
- backflush
- background concentration (level)
in atmospheric chemistry - background mass spectrum
- background of a radiation measuring device
- background radiation
- backscatter
- backscattering spectroscopy
- Baeyer strain
- baffle chamber in atmospheric chemistry
- bag filter in atmospheric chemistry
- baghouse in atmospheric chemistry
- Bainite transition
- baking in carbon chemistry
- Baldwin's rules
- band spectra
- bandgap energy
- bandpass filter
- barunit
- barbiturates
- barnunit
- Barton reaction
- basal
- base
- base electrolyte
- base kind of quantity
- base pairing
- base peak in mass spectrometry
- base quantity
- base unit of measurement
- baseline concentration in atmospheric chemistry
- baseline error in spectrochemical analysis
- baseline in chromatography
- basicity
- basicity function
- basis function
- basis set
- batch in analytical chemistry
- batch injection calorimetry
- batch operation in analysis
- batch reactor
- Bates–Guggenheim convention
- bathochromic shift (effect)
- bead-rod model
- bead-spring model
- beam current in in situ microanalysis
- beam diameter in in situ microanalysis
- beam-gas experiments
- becquerelunit
- bed volume in chromatography
- Beer–Lambert law (or Beer–Lambert–Bouguer law)
- before mass analysis in mass spectrometry
- Bell–Evans–Polanyi principle
- benchmark dose (
) and lower effective dose (
- bending of energy bands
- Bent's rule
- benzenium ions
- benzenonium ions
- benzylic groups
- benzylic intermediates
- benzynes
- Berry pseudorotation
- betaines
- betweenanenes
- bias
- bias error
- biased linear pulse amplifier
- bicycle rearrangement
- bicycle-pedal (BP) mechanism
- bifunctional catalysis
- bilayer
- bimodal distribution
- bimodal network
- bimodal polymer network
- bimolecular
- binder
- binder coke
- binder in chromatography
- binding energy
- binding site
- Bingham flow
- bioassay
- bioavailability (general)
- bioavailabilty in pharmacokinetics
- biocatalyst
- biochemical (biological) oxygen demand (
- biochip
- bioconjugate
- bioconversion
- biodegradable polymer
- biodegradation
- bioelectronics
- bioisostere
- biological effect monitoring
- biological exposure index (
- biological half life
- biological monitoring
- biological tolerance values for working materials (Biologische Arbeitsstoff Toleranz Werte (BAT))quantity
- bioluminescence
- biomarker
- biomass
- biomimetic
- biopolymers
- bioreactor
- biosensor
- biosphere in atmospheric chemistry
- biosynthesis
- biotechnology
- biotransformation
- biphotonic excitation
- biphotonic process
- bipolarons
- bipolymer
- biradical
- bisecting conformation (eclipsing conformation)
- bismuthanes
- bismuthines
- bisphenols
- bivane in atmospheric chemistry
- black film
- blank value in analysis
- blaze-angle in spectrochemical analysis
- bleaching in photochemistry
- block
- block copolymer
- block macromolecule
- block polymer
- blotting in biotechnology
- blowdown in atmospheric chemistry
- blue shift
- boat
- Bodenstein approximation
- body burden
- bohrunit
- Bohr magnetonconstant
- Bohr radiusconstant
- bolometer
- Boltzmann constantconstant
- bomb-digestion in spectrochemical analysis
- bond
- bond dissociation
- bond energy in theoretical chemistry
- bond energy (mean bond energy)
- bond length
- bond migration
- bond number
- bond opposition strain
- bond orbital
- bond order
- bond order
- bond ring-sector
- bond-dissociation energy,
- bond-dissociation energy (BDE) in theoretical chemistry
- bond-energy-bond-order method
- bonded phase in chromatography
- bonding molecular orbital
- bonding number
- boranes
- boranylidenes
- borderline mechanism
- borenes
- borinic acids
- Born–Oppenheimer (BO) approximation
- boronic acids
- borylenes
- boson
- bound fraction in radioanalytical chemistry
- boundary layer in atmospheric chemistry
- bowsprit (flagpole)
- branch point in polymers
- branch (side chain, pendant chain) in polymers
- branch unit in polymers
- branched chain in polymers
- branched polymer in polymers
- branching chain reaction
- branching decay
- branching fraction
- branching index in polymers
- branching plane
- branching ratio
- break of a foam
- break of an emulsion
- Bredt's rule
- breeching in atmospheric chemistry
- breeze in atmospheric chemistry
- Bremsstrahlung
- Brewster angle,
- bridge
- bridge index
- bridge solution in pH measurement
- bridged carbocation
- bridgehead
- bridging ligand
- brightness
- brightness of a laser dye
- bromohydrins
- bromonium ions
- Brooks and Taylor structure
- Brownian motion
- brush macromolecule
- Brønsted acid
- Brønsted base
- Brønsted relation
- bubble column
- bubbler in atmospheric chemistry
- buffer-addition technique
in analytical flame
spectroscopy - bulk concentration in electroanalysis
- bulk mesophase
- bulk rheology
- bulk sample
- Bunnett–Olsen equations
- Bunsen burner
- Bunte salts
- burn-up
- burn-up fraction
- burning tension of an electrical arc
- burning velocity,
of a flame front in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - bypass injector in gas chromatography
- χ-parameter
- C-terminal residue in a polypeptide
- C. I. P. system
- cadium–helium laser
- cage
- cage compound
- cage effect
- Cahn–Ingold–Prelog system
- calcination
- calcined coke
- calibration component
- calibration curve
- calibration function in analysis
- calibration gas mixture in atmospheric chemistry
- calibration in analysis
- calibration material in analysis
- calibration mixture in analysis
- calibration sample in analysis
- calixarenes
- calorieunit
- calorimetric titration
- calorimetry
- candelaunit
- canonical form
- canonical rate constant
- canonical variational transition-state theory
- capacitance hygrometer
- capacitance,
of a plate capacitorquantity
- capillary column in chromatography
- capillary condensation
- captodative effect
- capture
- capture cross-section
- capture γ-radiation
- carbaboranes
- carbamates
- carbanion
- carbena
- carbene analogues
- carbene metal complexes
- carbene radical anions
- carbene radical cations
- carbenes
- carbenium centre
- carbenium ion
- carbenoids
- carbinolamines
- carbinols
- carbinyl cations
- carbo-reduction
- carbocation
- carbocyclic compounds
- carbodiimides
- carbohydrates
- carbon
- carbon artifact
- carbon black
- carbon cenospheres
- carbon cloth
- carbon dioxide laser (CO2 laser)
- carbon electrode
- carbon felt
- carbon fibre
- carbon fibre fabrics
- carbon fibres type HM
- carbon fibres type HT
- carbon fibres type IM
- carbon fibres type LM
- carbon fibres type UHM
- carbon loading of the packing material in liquid chromatography
- carbon material
- carbon mix
- carbon whiskers
- carbonaceous mesophase
- carbonitriles
- carbonium ion
- carbonization
- carbonyl compounds
- carbonyl imides
- carbonyl imines
- carbonyl oxides
- carbonyl ylides
- carbon–carbon composite
- carboranes
- carboxamides
- carboxamidines
- carboxylic acids
- carbylamines
- carbyne metal complexes
- carbynes
- carbynium ions
- carotenes
- carotenoids
- carrier
- carrier atom in organic reaction mechanisms
- carrier gas
- carrier in radioanalytical chemistry
- carrier protein
- carrier-free
- carry-over
- carry-over effect
- cascade impactor
- catabolism
- catabolite repression
- catalase
- catalymetric titration
- catalysed rate of reaction,
- catalysis
- catalysis law
- catalyst
- catalyst ageing
- catalyst deactivation
- catalyst decay
- catalyst in solvent extraction
- catalytic activity concentration,
- catalytic activity content,
- catalytic activity fraction of an isozyme
- catalytic activity,
of an enzyme
- catalytic coefficient
- catalytic concentration
- catalytic content
- catalytic cracking
- catalytic current
- catalytic current, limiting
- catalytic dehydrocyclization
- catalytic domain of a polypeptide
- catalytic fraction
- catalytic graphitization
- catalytic hydrocracking
- catalytic hydrodesulfurization
- catalytic hydrogenolysis
- catalytic methanation
- catalytic reforming
- catalytic thermometric titration
- cataphoresis
- catecholamines
- catena-
- catenanes (catena compounds)
- cathode
- cathodic transfer coefficient,
- cation
- cation exchange
- cation exchanger
- cation radical
- cation-exchange polymer
- cationic polymer
- cationic polymerization
- cationotropic rearrangement
- cationotropy
- cavitands
- cavity dumping in photochemistry
- cDNA
- ceiling value (
- ceilometer in atmospheric chemistry
- cell constant of a conductivity cell
- cell error in spectrochemical analysis
- cell line
- Celsius temperature,
- centiSI unit prefix
- central atom
- centre of a Mossbauer spectrum
- centre of chirality
- centrifugal barrier
- centrifugal (centripetal) acceleration,
- centrifugal flow
- centrifugal force,
- centrifugal radius,
- cephalins (kephalins)
- cephalosporins
- cephams
- cephems
- ceramer
- ceramic
- ceramic filter
- ceramic precursor
- pre-ceramic
- pre-ceramic material
- ceramic yield
- ceramic-reinforced polymer
- ceramization
- Cerenkov detector
- Cerenkov effect
- Cerenkov radiation
- chain axis of a polymer
- chain branching
- chain carrier
- (chain) conformational repeating unit of a polymer
- (chain) conformational repeating unit of a polymer
- chain entanglement
- chain fission yield
- chain folding in polymer crystals
- (chain) identity period of a polymer
- (chain) identity period of a polymer
- chain in polymers
- chain initiation
- chain length,
- chain polymerization
- chain reaction
- (chain) repeating distance
- (chain) repeating distance
- chain scission of a polymer
- chain transfer
- chain-ending step
- chain-orientational disorder in polymer crystals
- chain-propagating reaction
- chain-termination reaction
- chair, boat, twist
- chair–chair interconversion
- chalcones
- chamber saturation in gas chromatography
- change of a quantity
- change ratio of a quantity
- channel
- channel black
- channel photomultiplier tube
- chaperon
- char
- characteristic group in organic nomenclature
- characteristic in analytical chemistry
- characteristic length in thin films
- characteristic mass for integrated absorbance,
in electrothermal atomizationquantity
- characteristic mass for peak absorption,
in electrothermal atomizationquantity
- characteristic mass,
in electrothermal atomizationquantity - characteristic potential
- characteristic ratio in polymers
- characteristic scale in thin films
- characteristic X-radiation
- characteristic X-ray emission
- charcoal
- charge
- charge density,
- charge hopping
- charge number,
- charge number in inorganic nomenclature
- charge number
of a cell reactionquantity
- charge population
- charge recombination
- charge separation
- charge shift
- charge transfer transition to solvent
(CTTS) - charge-exchange ionization in mass spectrometry
- charge-exchange reaction
- charge-inversion mass spectrum
- charge-permutation reaction
- charge-stripping reaction
- charge-transfer adsorption
- charge-transfer complex
- charge-transfer
(CT) state - charge-transfer (CT) transition
- charge-transfer device in radiation detection
- charge-transfer reaction in mass spectrometry
- charge-transfer step of an electrode reaction
- charring
- chelate
- chelating polymer
- chelation
- chelatometric titration
- cheletropic reaction
- chelotropic reaction
- chemi-ionization in mass spectrometry
- chemical actinometer
- chemical activation
- chemical adsorption
- chemical amount
- chemical amplification
- chemical bond
- chemical decomposition
- chemical diffusion
- chemical dosimeter
- chemical element
- chemical equilibrium
- chemical flux,
- chemical functionality
- chemical induction (coupling)
- chemical ionization in mass spectrometry
- chemical isotope exchange
- chemical laser
- chemical measurement process (CMP)
- chemical modification
- chemical oxygen demand (
- chemical potential,
- chemical reaction
- chemical reaction equation
- chemical relaxation
- chemical shift,
in NMRquantity
- chemical shift in photoelectron and Auger spectra
- chemical species
- chemical species of an element
- chemical substance
- chemical vapour generation
in spectrochemical analysis - chemical yield
- chemically bonded hybrid (material)
- chemically induced dynamic electron polarization (CIDEP)
- chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization
- chemically initiated electron exchange luminescence (CIEEL)
- chemiexcitation
- chemiflux
- chemiluminescence
- chemiluminescence analyser
- chemiluminescent methods of detection in analysis
- chemisorption (chemical adsorption)
- chemometrics
- chemoselectivity (chemoselective)
- chemospecificity
- chemostat
- chimney effect in atmospheric chemistry
- chiral
- chiral mobile phase
- chiral selector
- chiral stationary phase in liquid chromatography
- chirality
- chirality axis
- chirality centre
- chirality element
- chirality plane
- chirality sense
- chiroptic/chiroptical
- chirotopic
- chloramines
- chlorocarbons
- chlorohydrins
- chloronium ions
- cholesteric phase
- chromatogram
- chromatograph (noun)
- chromatograph (verb)
- chromatographic detector
- chromatography
- chromophore
- chromosome
- chronic toxicity
- CIDEP (Chemically Induced Dynamic Electron
- CIDNP (Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear
- CIEEL (Chemically Initiated Electron Exchange
- cine-substitution
- CIP priority
- circular development
- circular dichroism (CD)
- circular elution
- circular frequency
- cis, trans
- cis conformation in polymers
- cis- in inorganic nomenclature
- cis-fused
- cis-trans isomers
- cisoid conformation
- cistactic polymer
- class (a) metal ion
- class (b) metal ion
- class of helix in polymers
- clathrates
- clausiusunit
- clay hybrid
- polymer-clay hybrid
- polymer-clay composite
- clean surface
- clean up in spectrochemical analysis
- clearance,
quantity - clearance in toxicology
- clearing point
- clinal
- CLOGP values
- clone
- closed film
- closed shell molecular systems
- closed system in spectrochemical analysis
- closo-
- cloud in atmospheric chemistry
- cluster
- cluster analysis
- cluster ion in mass spectrometry
- co-ions
- co-oligomer
- co-oligomerization
- co-solvency in polymers
- CO2 laser
- coacervation
- coagulation (flocculation) in colloid chemistry
- coal tar pitch
- coal-derived pitch coke
- coalescence in colloid chemistry
- coalification
- cobalamines
- codon
- coefficient
- coefficient of haze (
) in atmospheric chemistryunit
- coenzyme
- coextraction
- cofactors
- coherence length,
in thin filmsquantity
- coherent (derived) unit of measurement
- coherent radiation
- coherent scattering
- coherent source in spectrochemistry
- coherent structure
- coherent system of units of measurement
- coincidence circuit
- coincidence resolving time
- coke
- coke breeze
- coking
- col (saddle point)
- cold neutrons
- collection
- collection efficiency in atmospheric chemistry
- collection gas flow system
in spectrochemical
analysis - collector in atmospheric chemistry
- collector (scavenger)
- colligation
- collimation
- collimator
- collinear reaction
- collision complex
- collision cross-section,
- collision density,
- collision diameter,
- collision efficiency,
- collision frequency,
- collision number
- collision theory
- collision-induced dissociation
in mass
spectrometry - collisional activation (collisionally activated
in mass spectrometry - collisional broadening of a spectral line
- collisional excitation in mass spectrometry
- colloid
- colloid osmotic pressure (Donnan pressure)
- colloidal
- colloidal carbon
- colloidal dispersion
- colloidal electrolyte
- colloidal gel
- colloidal network
- colloidal processing
- colloidal suspension
- colloidally stable
- color scale
- colorimeter
- colour indicator
- colourability
- column chromatography
- column in chromatography
- column volume,
in chromatography
- comb macromolecule
- comb polymer
- combination electrode
- combined sample
- combustion gas
- commensurate–incommensurate transition
- common black film
- common-ion effect (on rates)
- communities (consortia, syntrophic or synergistic
- compact layer in electrochemistry
- comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA)
- comparator in radioanalytical chemistry
- compartmental analysis
- compatible polymer blend
- compensation effect
- compensation in catalysis
- compensation in stereochemistry
- competition
- competitive binding assay
- competitive inhibition of catalysis
- complementary binding sites
- complementary DNA
(cDNA) - complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF)
- complete active space self-consistent field second-order perturbation theory (CASPT2)
- complex
- complex coacervation
- complex mechanism
- complex reaction
- complex-mode reaction
- complexometric titration
- component
- composite
- composite mechanism
- composite membrane
- composite reaction
- composite sample
- composition of pure air in atmospheric chemistry
- compositional heterogeneity of polymers
- compressibility factor
- compression factor,
- comproportionation
- Compton effect
- Compton electron
- Compton scattering
- computational chemistry
- computational photochemistry
- computer-assisted drug design (CADD)
- computer-assisted molecular design (CAMD)
- computer-assisted molecular modeling (CAMM)
- concave isotherm in chromatography
- concentrated phase in polymer chemistry
- concentration
- concentration depolarization
- concentration distribution ratio,
in chromatography - concentration factor in solvent extraction
- concentration gradient,
- concentration in experimental surface (or surface
- concentration overpotential
- concentration thermometric technique
in enthalpimetric analysis - concentration-cell corrosion
- concentration-sensitive detector in chromatography
- concerted process
- concerted reaction
- condensation in atmospheric chemistry
- condensation nuclei (CN) in atmospheric chemistry
- condensation polymerization (polycondensation)
- condensation reaction
- condensative chain polymerization
- conditional (formal) potential
- conditional rate constant of an electrode reaction
- conditioning in solvent extraction
- conductance,
- conducting polymer
- conducting polymer composite
- conduction band
- conductivity,
- confidence level
- confidence limits (about the mean)
- configuration (electronic)
- configuration interaction (CI)
- configuration (stereochemical)
- configurational base unit in polymers
- configurational disorder in polymers
- configurational homosequence in polymers
- configurational repeating unit in polymers
- configurational sequence in polymers
- configurational unit in polymers
- confined atomizer
- conformation
- conformational analysis
- conformational analysis in drug design
- conformational disorder in polymers
- conformational repeating unit of a polymer
- conformer
- congener
- conglomerate
- congruent transition
- conical intersection
- coning and quartering in analytical chemistry
- conjugate acid–base pair
- conjugate solutions
- conjugated system (conjugation)
- conjugation
- conjugation in gene technology
- conjugation labelling in radioanalytical chemistry
- conjugative mechanism
- conjunctive name
- connectivity
- connectivity in polymer chemistry
- conrotatory
- consecutive reactions
- consecutive steps
- conservation of orbital symmetry
- consignment in analytical chemistry
- consistency
- consolute point
- constituent
- constitution
- constitutional heterogeneity of polymers
- constitutional homosequence
- constitutional isomerism
- constitutional repeating unit
(CRU) in polymers - constitutional sequence in polymers
- constitutional unit
- constitutive enzymes
- contact anglequantity
- contact corrosion
- contact ion pair
- contact potential difference (Volta potential
- contamination
- content
- continuity inversion in solvent extraction
- continuous analyser
- continuous bed packing in liquid chromatography
- continuous flow
- continuous flow enthalpimetry
- continuous indication analyser
- continuous measuring cell
- continuous operation in analysis
- continuous precipitation
- continuous transition
- continuous wave (CW) laser
- continuous-flow cell in spectrochemical analysis
- continuously curved chain in polymers
- contour length in polymers
- contributing structure
- control material in analysis
- control sample in analysis
- controlled atmosphere in atmospheric chemistry
- convection (as applied to air motion)
- convenience sample
- conventional transition-state theory
- conventional true value
- conversion cross-section
- conversion electron
- conversion spectrum
- convex isotherm in chromatography
- cooperative transition
- cooperativity
- coordinate covalence
- coordinate link
- coordination
- coordination entity
- coordination number
- coordination polyhedron (polygon)
- coordinatively saturated complex
- coordinatively unsaturated complex
- copolymer
- copolymer micelle
- copolymerization
- copper vapour laser
- coprecipitation
- copy number in biotechnology
- core atom in organic reaction mechanisms
- coronands (coronates)
- corrected emission spectrum
- corrected excitation spectrum
- corrected retention volume in gas chromatography
- correlation analysis
- correlation coefficient
- correlation diagram
- correlation energy
- corrinoids (cobalamines, corphyrins, corrins, vitamin B12
- corrosion
- corrosion cell
- corrosion current
- corrosion potential,
- corrosion rate
- cosolvent
- cosphere
- cotectic
- coulombunit
- coulomb integral,
- Coulomb repulsion
- coulometric detection method
in electrochemical
analysis - coulometric titration
- coumarins
- count
- counter tube
- counter-current flow
- counter-ions
- counting efficiency
- counting loss
- counting rate
- coupled cluster (CC) method
- coupled (indicator) reaction in analysis
- coupled simultaneous techniques in analysis
- coupling
- coupling constant (spin-spin),
- covalent bond
- covalent network
- Cox–Yates equation
- cracking
- crazing
- cream
- cream volume
- creaming
- creep
- cresols
- critical embryo
- critical energy (threshold energy)
- critical excitation energy,
in in situ microanalysisquantity - critical ion-concentration in an ionomer
- critical micelle concentration (cmc)quantity
- cmcquantity
- critical point
- critical pressure,
- critical quenching radius,
- critical solution composition
- critical solution point
- critical solution temperature
- critical study
- critical temperature,
- critical thickness of a film
- cross reaction
- cross-conjugation
- cross-flow filtration in biotechnology
- cross-over concentration,
- crossed electric and magnetic fields
in mass spectrometry - crossed molecular beams
- crossing over in biotechnology
- crosslink
- crosslink density
- crosslinking
- crosslinking site
- crowding in solvent extraction
- crown
- crown conformation
- crud in solvent extraction
- cryogenic
- cryogenic sampling
- cryptand
- cryptate
- crystal diffraction spectrometer
- crystal field
- crystal field splitting
- crystal laser
- crystal photochemistry
- crystalline electrodes
- crystalline polymer
- crystallinity
- crystallization
- CT
- cumulative double bonds
- cumulative fission yield
- cumulative sample
- cumulenes
- cumulonimbus cloud in atmospheric chemistry
- cumulus cloud in atmospheric chemistry
- cupola
- curieunit
- curing
- current densityquantity
- current density (relative local)
- current distribution
- current efficiency
- current migration
- current yield
- Curtin–Hammett principle
- curve-crossing model
- cut off in aerosol sizes in atmospheric chemistry
- cut-off filter
- cut-on filter
- CVD diamond
- CW
- cyanates
- cyanides
- cyanine dyes
- cyanogenic
- cyanohydrins
- cybotactic region
- cycles per second
- cyclic acid anhydrides (cyclic anhydrides)
- cyclitols
- cyclization
- cyclo-
- cycloaddition
- cycloalkanes
- cycloalkyl groups
- cyclodepsipeptides
- cyclodextrins
- cycloelimination
- cyclohexadienyl cations
- cyclone (collector) in atmospheric chemistry
- cyclophanes
- cyclopolymerization
- cycloreversion
- cyclosilazanes
- cyclosiloxanes
- cyclotron
- cytochrome P450
- cytochromes
- Δ (delta), Λ (lambda)
- d, l, dl
- d, l, dl
- 3D-QSAR (three-dimensional quantitative structure–activity relationships)
- daltonunit
- dark current
- dark output
- dark photochemistry (photochemistry without light)
- dark reaction (darkness reaction)
- dark resistance
- Darlington phototransistor
- data reduction
- dative bond
- Dauben–Salem–Turro rules
- daughter ion in mass spectrometry
- daughter product in radiochemistry
- Davydov splitting (factor-group splitting)
- dayunit
- de Mayo reaction
- de-electronation
- de-energization efficiency
- deactivation
- dead time correction in radioanalytical chemistry
- dead time in radioanalytical chemistry
- dead time of an analyser
- dead-volume in chromatography
- debyeunit
- Debye–Hückel equation
- decaSI unit prefix
- decadic absorbance,
- decay chain
- decay constantquantity
- decay curve
- decay rate in atmospheric chemistry
- decay rate of a radioactive material
- decay scheme in radioanalytical chemistry
- decay time in heterogenous catalysis
- deciSI unit prefix
- decibelunit
- decomposition
- decontamination factor
in liquid-liquid distribution - DEDMR
- definitive method
- deflection (for a precision balance)
- deflocculation (peptization)
- degeneracyquantity
- degenerate chain branching
- degenerate chemical reaction
- degenerate orbitals
- degenerate rearrangement
- degree Celsiusunit
- degree Fahrenheitunit
- degree of activation
- degree of arcunit
- degree of association of a micelle
- degree of crystallinity of a polymer
- degree of dissociation
- degree of inhibition
- degree of ionization
- degree of polymerization
- degree of reaction,
- degrees of cistacticity and transtacticity
- degrees of freedom,
- degrees of triad isotacticity, syndiotacticity, and
- dehydroarenes
- dehydrobenzenes
- delayed coincidence
- delayed coke
- delayed coking process
- delayed fluorescence
- delayed luminescence
- delayed neutrons
- deliquescence
- delocalization
- delocalization energy (DE)
- delocalization in theoretical organic chemistry
- demister
- denaturation of a macromolecule
- denaturation of alcohol
- dendrite
- denitrification
- densification
- density,
- density inversion in solvent extraction
- density of states,
- denticity
- denuder system (tube or assembly)
- deodorizer in atmospheric chemistry
- deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA)
- depolarization of scattered light
- depolarizer
- depolymerization
- deposition in atmospheric chemistry
- deposition velocity in atmospheric chemistry
- depsides
- depsipeptides
- depth of penetration of light
- depth profile
- depth resolution
- deracemization
- derivative potentiometric titration
- derivative spectroscopy
- derived coherent unit
- derived kind of quantity
- derived non-coherent unit
- derived quantity
- derived unit of measurement
- descending elution/development
in planar
chromatography - deshielding
- desiccant
- desolvation in flame spectroscopy
- desorption
- desorption (by displacement)
- desulfurization
- desymmetrization
- desymmetrization step
- detachment
- detailed balancing (principle of)
- detection efficiency
in nuclear analytical chemistry - detection limit
- detection limit in analysis
- detergent
- detoxification
- deuteriation
- deuteride
- deuterio
- deuterium
- deuteron
- deviation,
- devolatilizer
- dew point hygrometer (cooled surface condensation)
- dew point in atmospheric chemistry
- Dexter (electron exchange) excitation transfer
- dextrans
- dextrins
- di-π-methane rearrangement
- di-π-silane rearrangement
- diabatic coupling
- diabatic electron transfer
- diabatic photoreaction
- diacylamines
- diads in polymers
- diagram level in X-ray spectroscopy
- diagram line in X-ray spectroscopy
- dialysate
- dialysis
- dialysis residue
- diamagnetic
- diamidides
- diamond
- diamond by CVD
- diamond-like carbon films
- dianions
- diastereoisomer (diastereoisomeric) excess
- diastereoisomeric units in a polymer
- diastereoisomerism
- diastereoisomerization
- diastereoisomers (diastereomers)
- diastereomeric ratio
- diastereomers
- diastereomorphism
- diastereoselectivity
- diastereotopic
- diazanylidenes
- diazenyl radicals
- diazo compounds
- diazoamino compounds
- diazoates
- diazonium salts
- diazooxides
- diazotates
- dicarbenium ions
- dichotomous sampler
- dichroic filter
- dichroic mirror
- dichroism
- dielectric constant
- dielectric polarization,
- dienes
- dienophile
- difference absorption spectroscopy
- differential capacitancequantity
- differential detector in chromatography
- differential diffusion coefficient
- differential molar energy of adsorption
- differential molar interfacial energy
- differential molar surface excess energy
- differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
- differential thermal analysis (DTA)
- differential viscosity
- diffraction
- diffraction analysis
- diffuse layer in electrochemistry
- diffused junction semiconductor detector
- diffuser
- diffusion
- diffusion battery
- diffusion coefficient,
- diffusion control
- diffusion current constant in polarography
- diffusion current (or diffusion-controlled current)
- diffusion layer (concentration boundary layer)
- diffusion layer thickness
- diffusion potential
- diffusion-controlled rate
- diffusional transition
- diffusionless transition
- dihedral angle
- diisotactic polymer
- dilatancy
- dilational (dilatational) transition
- dilational viscosity
- diluent gas
- diluent in solvent extraction
- dilute phase in polymer chemistry
- dilute solution
- diluter
- dilution rate,
in biotechnologyquantity
- dimension of a quantity
- dimensionless quantities
- dimeric ion in mass spectrometry
- dimerization
- Dimroth–Reichardt
- diode laser
- diols
- diosphenols
- dioxin
- dipolar aprotic solvent
- dipolar bond
- dipolar compounds
- dipolar cycloaddition
- dipolar ions
- dipolar mechanism of energy transfer
- dipole length
- dipole moment
- dipole moment per volume
- dipole-induced dipole forces
- dipole–dipole interaction
- dipyrrins
- dipyrromethenes
- diradicaloid
- biradicaloid
- diradicals
- direct amplification
- direct current
- direct effect
- direct fission yield
- direct (radiochemical) isotope dilution analysis
- direct reaction
- direct thermometric method
in enthalpimetric analysis - direct transfer gas flow system
in spectrochemical
analysis - direct-injection burner (for analytical flame
- direct-injection enthalpimetry
- disaccharides
- discomfort threshold in atmospheric chemistry
- discontinuous analyser
- discontinuous indication of an analyser
- discontinuous measuring cell
- discontinuous phase transition
- discontinuous precipitation
- discontinuous simultaneous techniques in analysis
- discrete transport
- discriminant analysis
- discriminator
- disintegration constant
- disintegration energy,
- disintegration rate of a radioactive material
- disjoining pressure (for the attraction between two
- dismutation
- dispenser
- dispersion (for spectroscopic instruments)
- dispersion forces
- dispersion in atmospheric chemistry
- displacement chromatography
- displacive transition
- disproportionation
- disrotatory
- disruptor
- dissociation
- dissociation energy,
- dissociative adsorption (dissociative chemisorption)
- dissociative ionization in mass spectrometry
- dissociative surface reaction
- dissolution
- dissymmetry in stereochemistry
- dissymmetry of scattering
- distonic radical cation
- distribuend
- distribution
- distribution coefficient
- distribution constant
- distribution constant in chromatography
- distribution function in polymers
- distribution isotherm in chromatography
- distribution ratio,
in liquid-liquid distributionquantity - disyndiotactic polymer
- ditactic polymer
- diterpenoids
- dithioacetals
- diurnal variation in atmospheric chemistry
- dividing surface
- DM-interference
- DNA probe
- Dobson unit in atmospheric chemistryunit
- docking studies
- dodecahedro-
- dolichols
- Donnan emf (Donnan potential)
- Donnan equilibrium
- Donnan exclusion
- Donnan pressure
- donor number (DN)
- dopant
- doping in catalysis
- doping in polymer chemistry
- Doppler broadening of a spectral line
- Dorn effect
- dosage in atmospheric chemistry
- dose
- dose equivalent,
- dose in radioanalytical chemistry
- dose of a substance
- dose-response and dose-effect relationships
- double escape peak
- double-beam spectrometer (for luminescence
- double-focusing mass spectrograph
- double-focusing mass spectrometer
- double-layer
- double-layer current
- double-strand chain in polymers
- double-strand copolymer
- double-strand macromolecule
- double-strand polymer
- double-wavelength spectroscopy
- doublet state
- doubling time
in biotechnologyquantity
- down-time in analysis
- downconversion
- downfield
- downstream in membrane processes
- downwash in atmospheric chemistry
- drift
- driving force (affinity) of a reaction,
- driving force (for electron transfer)
- drop time in polarography
- droplet in atmospheric chemistry
- Drude–Nernst equation (for electrostriction)
- drug
- drug design
- dry bulb temperature in atmospheric chemistry
- drying agent
- drying control chemical additive (DCCA)
- dual fluorescence of systems or molecular species
- dual substituent-parameter equation
- dual-mode photochromism
- dust collector in atmospheric chemistry
- dust fall in atmospheric chemistry
- dust in atmospheric chemistry
- dye laser
- dynamic field(s) mass spectrometer
- dynamic interfacial tension
- dynamic membrane formation
- dynamic quenching
- dynamic range of an analyser
- dynamic reaction path (DRP)
- dynamic surface tension
- dynamic thermomechanometry
- dynamic viscosity,
- dyneunit
- dyotropic rearrangement
- dypnones
- η (eta or hapto) in inorganic nomenclature
- E, Z
- E/Z photoisomerization
mass spectrum
- early-downhill surface
- eclipsed (eclipsing)
- eclipsing conformation
- eclipsing strain
- ectohormone
- eddy
- eddy dispersion (diffusion)
- educt
- effective cadmium cut-off energy
in nuclear analytical chemistry - effective charge
- effective chimney height (stack height)
- effective half life
- effective molarity (effective concentration)
- effective theoretical plate number
of a chromatographic column - effective thermal cross-section
- effective thickness of diffusion layer
- effectively infinite thickness
in flame spectroscopy - effectiveness
- effector
- efficiency of a counter
- efficiency,
of a stepquantity
- efficiency of atomization
in analytical flame spectroscopy - efficiency of nebulization,
in flame spectrometryquantity
- efficiency spectrum
- efflorescence
- effluent
- effluent in chromatography
- eicosanoids
- eighteen-electron rule
- einsteinunit
- Einstein equation
- El-Sayed rules
- elastic collision
- elastic scattering in reaction dynamics
- elastic scattering in spectrochemistry
- elastically active network chain
- elastomer
- electric capacitance
- electric charge,
- electric coherence length,
in thin filmsquantity
- electric conductance,
- electric conductivity
- electric current,
- electric current density,
- electric dipole moment,
- electric displacement,
- electric field (strength),
- electric mobility,
- electric polarizability,
- electric potential,
- electric potential difference,
of a galvanic cell - electric resistance,
- electric resistivity
- electric sector in mass spectrometry
- electrical arc
- electrical double-layer
- electrical hygrometer
- electrically conducting polymer
- electrified interphase
- electro-dialysis
- electro-endosmosis
- electro-osmosis
- electro-osmotic hold-up time,
in capillary electromigrationquantity
- electro-osmotic mobility,
in capillary electromigrationquantity - electro-osmotic pressure
- electro-osmotic velocity
- electro-osmotic volume flow
- electroactive substance
- electrocapillarity
- electrocapillary equation
- electrochemical detector in gas chromatography
- electrochemical method of detection in analysis
- electrochemical potential
- electrochemiluminescence
- electrochromic effect
- electrocyclic reaction
- electrode current density,
- electrode memory
- electrode potential,
- electrode process
- electrode reaction
- electrode reaction rate constants
- electrodecantation (or electrophoresis convection)
- electrodeposition
- electrofuge
- electrogenerated chemiluminescence (ECL)
- electrographite
- electrokinetic potential,
- electroluminescence
- electroluminescent polymer
- electrolytic hygrometer
- electromeric effect
- electromigration
- electromotive force,
- electron
- electron acceptor
- electron affinity,
- electron attachment
- electron back-transfer
- electron beam curing
- EB curing
- electron capture
- electron capture detector in gas chromatography
- electron charge
- electron configuration
- electron correlation
- electron density
- electron density function
- electron detachment
- electron donor
- electron energy in mass spectrometry
- electron exchange excitation transfer
- electron impact ionization in mass spectrometry
- electron ionization in mass spectrometry
- electron jump
- electron kinetic energy
- electron microscopy
- electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
- electron probe microanalysis (EPMA)
- electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA)
- electron rest massconstant
- electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA)
- electron stopping power
in X-ray emission spectroscopy - electron transfer
- electron transfer photosensitization
- electron work function,
- electron-counting rules
- electron-deficient bond
- electron-deficient compounds
- electron-donor-acceptor complex
- electron-pair acceptor
- electron-pair donor
- electron-transfer catalysis
- electronation
- electronegativity
- electroneutrality principle
- electronic chemical potential
- electronic configuration
- electronic effect of substituents: symbols and signs
- electronic energy migration (or hopping)
- electronic stability
- electronic state
- electronically excited state
- electronvoltunit
- electrophile (electrophilic)
- electrophilicity
- electrophoresis
- electrophoresis convection
- electrophoretic mobility,
- electrophoretic velocity,
- electrophotography
- electrosmosis
- electrostatic filter
- electrostatic precipitator
- electrostriction
- electrothermal atomizer
in spectrochemical analysis - electroviscous effects
- element
- element effect
- element of chirality
- elementary chargeconstant
- elementary entity
- elementary particle in nuclear chemistry
- elementary reaction
- elimination
- eluate
- eluent
- elute
- elution
- elution band in chromatography
- elution chromatography
- elution curve
- elutriation
- emanation thermal analysis
- embryo
- emission
- emission anisotropyquantity
- degree of (polarization) anisotropyquantity
- luminescence anisotropyquantity
- emission control equipment
in atmospheric chemistry - emission flux in atmospheric chemistry
- emission in atmospheric chemistry
- emission spectrum
- emittance,
- empirical formula
- emulsifier
- emulsion
- enamines
- enantioconvergence
- enantioenriched
- enantiomer
- enantiomer excess (enantiomeric excess)
- enantiomeric groups
- enantiomeric purity
- enantiomeric ratio
- enantiomeric units in a polymer
- enantiomerically enriched (enantioenriched)
- enantiomerically pure (enantiopure)
- enantiomerism
- enantiomerization
- enantiomorph
- enantiomorphous structures in polymers
- enantiopure
- enantioselectivity
- enantiotopic
- enantiotropic mesophase
- enantiotropic transition
- encapsulation in catalysis
- encounter
- encounter complex
- encounter control
- encounter pair
- encounter-controlled rate
- end-group
- end-point
- end-to-end distance in polymers
- end-to-end vector in polymers
- endergonic (or endoergic) reaction
- endo, exo, syn, anti
- endocytosis
- endoenzymes
- endothermic reaction
- ene reaction
- energized species
- energy,
- energy dispersion in emission spectrometry
- energy dispersive detector
- energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis
- energy flux density
- energy gradient
- energy hypersurface (synonymous with potential energy surface, PES)
- energy migration
- energy of a radiation
- energy of activation
- energy of activation of an electrode reaction
- energy pooling
- energy profile
- energy resolution in radiochemistry
- energy storage efficiency,
- energy threshold in radiochemistry
- energy transfer in photochemistry
- energy transfer plot in photochemistry
- energy yield of luminescence
- enforced concerted mechanism
- enhanced phosphorescence analysis
in luminescence spectroscopy - enhancement reaction in analytical chemistry
- enhancer
- enolates
- enols
- enophile
- enoses
- enrichment, isotopic
- enrichment factor,
in liquid-liquid distributionquantity
- ent
- entanglement network
- entatic state
- entering group
- enthalpimetric analysis
- enthalpimetric flow injection analysis
- enthalpimetric titration
- enthalpimetry
- enthalpogram
- enthalpy,
- enthalpy of activation,
quantity - enthalpy of immersion
- enthalpy of wetting
- entitic
- entitic quantity
- entrainment in atmospheric chemistry
- entrainment in photochemistry
- entrance channel
- entropy,
- entropy of activation,
- entropy unitunit
- envelope conformation
- environmental (or ambient) monitoring
- environmental stress cracking
- enzyme activator
- enzyme activity
- enzyme induction in general chemistry
- enzyme induction in medicinal chemistry
- enzyme inhibitor
- enzyme repression
- enzyme substrate electrode
- enzyme thermistor
- enzymes
- enzymic decomposition
- epi-phase
- epicadmium neutrons
- epigenetic
- epihalohydrins
- epimerization
- epimers
- episulfonium ions
- epithermal neutrons
- epitope
- epoxides
- epoxy compounds
- equalization of electronegativity, principle of
- equatorial
- equilibration
- equilibrium constant
- equilibrium control
- equilibrium dialysate
- equilibrium distance in a molecule
- equilibrium film
- equilibrium geometry
- equilibrium isotope effect
- equilibrium reaction
- equilibrium sedimentation
- equilibrium solution
- equivalence point
- equivalence postulate in polymer chemistry
- equivalent chain in polymers
- equivalent diameter
- equivalent entity
- ergunit
- error of measurement
- erythro, threo
- erythro structures in a polymer
- escape depth (for surface analysis techniques)
- Esin and Markov coefficient
- esters
- ethers
- euatmotic reaction
- eupeptide bond
- eutectic reaction
- evaluation function
- evaporation
- even-electron ion
- evolved gas analysis (EGA)
- evolved gas detection (EGD)
- Ewens–Bassett number
- exaSI unit prefix
- excess acidity
- excess mass (at a solid/liquid interface)
- excess Rayleigh ratio
- excess volume (at a solid/liquid interface)
- exchange current of an electrode reaction
- exchange extraction
- exchange integral
- exchange labelling
- exchange repulsion
- exchange-inversion transition
- excimer
- excimer lamp
- excimer laser
- excimer-luminescence in luminescence quenching
- excipient in toxicology
- exciplex
- exciplex-luminescence in luminescence quenching
- excitation
- excitation energy
- excitation energy in in situ microanalysis
- excitation level in X-ray spectroscopy
- excitation spectrum
- excitation transfer
- excitation-emission spectrum
- excited state
- exciton
- excluded volume of a macromolecule in polymers
- excluded volume of a segment in polymers
- exclusion chromatography
- exergonic (exoergic) reaction
- exfoliated graphite
- exfoliation
- exit channel
- exitance
- exo
- exoenzymes
- exon
- exothermic reaction
- expansion factor in polymers
- expectation value
- expected value
- experimental perturbational calculation
- explosivity limits (explosion limits)
- exponential decay
- exposure in medicinal chemistry
- exposure in nuclear chemistry
- exposure in photochemistry
- expression in biotechnology
- extended Hammett equation
- extended Hückel MO method (EHMO)
- extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS)
- extended-chain crystal in polymers
- extender
- extensive quantity
- extent of an interface (surface)
- extent of reaction,
- external compensation
- external heavy atom effect
- external ion return
- external ion-pair return
- external photoelectric effect
- external return
- external standard in chromatography
- external surface
- exterplex
- extinction
- extinction coefficient
- extra-column volume in chromatography
- extract (noun)
- extract (verb)
- extractability in solvent extraction
- extractant
- extracting agent
- extraction
- extraction coefficient
- extraction (equilibrium) constant
- extraction factor,
- extraction fractionation of polymers
- extraction in process liquid-liquid distribution
- extraction isotherm
- extraction process in catalysis
- extrapolated range in radiochemistry
- extremophiles
- extrusion transformation
- f number
- f-functional branch point
- f-functional branch unit
- fabric filter
- fac-
- factor
- factor-group splitting
- fall time
- fallout in atmospheric chemistry
- fanning in atmospheric chemistry
- faradunit
- faradaic current
- faradaic current density
- faradaic demodulation current
- faradaic rectification current
- Faraday constantconstant
- Faraday cup (or cylinder) collector
- fast atom bombardment ionization
- fast neutrons
- fast-atom bombardment (FAB) mass spectroscopy
- fatigue of a photochromic system
- fatty acids
- feed rate in catalysis
- feed-back inhibition (end product inhibition)
in biotechnology - feedback in analysis
- feedback in kinetics
- femtoSI unit prefix
- fenestranes
- Fenton reaction
- fermentation
- fermenter
- fermiunit
- Fermi energy
- Fermi level,
- fermion
- feromone
- ferredoxin
- ferrimagnetic transition
- ferrocenophanes
- ferroelastic transition
- ferroelectric (antiferroelectric) transition
- ferroelectric polymer
- ferroic transition
- ferromagnetic polymer
- ferromagnetic transition
- fertile in radioanalytical chemistry
- fibrillar morphology
- fibrous activated carbon
- fibrous carbon
- fibrous crystal in polymers
- fiducial group
- field desorption in mass spectrometry
- field effect
- field effect phototransistor
- field ionization in mass spectrometry
- field level
- filamentous carbon
- filler
- filler coke
- filling solution of a reference electrode
- film
- film badge in radioanalytical chemistry
- film element
- film tension
- filter
- filter of a radiation
- filter spectrometer
- filtration
- fine structure constant,
- first-order phase transition
- first-pass effect
- Fischer projection (Fischer–Tollens projection)
- Fischer–Rosanoff convention (or Rosanoff convention)
- Fischer–Tollens projection
- fissile in radioanalytical chemistry
- fission fragment ionization in mass spectrometry
- fission fragments
- fission neutrons
- fission products
- fission yield
- fissionable
- fixed ions
- fixed neutral loss (gain) scan
in mass spectrometry - fixed neutral loss (gain) spectrum
in mass spectrometry - fixed precursor ion scan in mass spectrometry
- fixed product ion scan in mass spectrometry
- fixed product ion spectrum in mass spectrometry
- flagpole
- flame ionization detector in gas chromatography
- flame photometric detector in gas chromatography
- flame photometry
- flame-in-tube atomizer in spectrochemical analysis
- flammable limits
- flash fluorimetry (phosphorimetry)
- flash lamps
- flash photolysis
- flash point
- flash vacuum pyrolysis (FVP)
- flat band potential (at a semiconductor/solution
- flat bands
- flavins
- flavonoids (isoflavonoids and neoflavonoids)
- flavoproteins
- flavylium salts
- floating monolayer
- floc
- floccule
- Flory–Huggins theory
- flotation
- flow analysis
- flow birefringence
- flow enthalpimetry
- flow injection
- flow injection enthalpimetry
- flow rate in chromatography
- flow rate
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - flow rate of a quantity
- flow rate of unburnt gas mixture
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - flow reactor
- flow resistance parameter,
in chromatographyquantity
- flow-programmed chromatography
- flue gas in atmospheric chemistry
- flue gas scrubber in atmospheric chemistry
- fluence,
- fluence rate,
- radiant energy fluence ratequantity
- spherical irradiancequantity
- fluid coke
- fluidity,
- fluidized bed
- fluoresceins
- fluorescence
- fluorescence error in spectrochemical analysis
- fluorescence excitation of X-rays
- fluorescence lifetime
- fluorescence resonance energy transfer
- fluorescence yield
- fluorimeter
- fluorocarbons
- fluorogenic
- fluorohydrins
- fluorophore
- flux depression
- flux,
of a quantity
- fluxional
- fly ash in atmospheric chemistry
- foam
- foam fractionation
- foaming agent
- fog
- fog horizon in atmospheric chemistry
- folates
- fold domain in polymer crystals
- fold in polymer crystals
- fold plane in polymer crystals
- fold surface in polymer crystals
- folded-chain crystal in polymers
- footunit
- forbidden line in X-ray spectroscopy
- force,
- force constants
- force-field calculation
- foreign-gas broadening
- formamidine disulfides
- formation constant
- formazans
- Förster cycle
- Förster excitation transfer (dipole–dipole excitation
- Förster-resonance-energy transfer FRET
- dipole–dipole excitation transfer
- forward scattering
- fossil fuel
- fouling agent in catalysis
- fouling in membrane processes
- Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometer
- Fourier transform spectrometer
- Fourier-transform spectroscopy
- fractal agglomerate
- fractal dimension,
- mass fractal dimension
- Hausdorff dimension
- fraction
- fraction collector in chromatography
- fraction extracted,
- fractional change of a quantity
- fractional selectivity in catalysis
- fractionation of analytes
- fractionation of polymers
- fragment ion in mass spectrometry
- fragmentation
- fragmentation reaction in mass spectrometry
- frame-shift mutation
- Franck–Condon principle
- Franck–Condon state
- franklinunit
- free charge density on the interface
- free electron laser
- free energy
- free radical
- free rotation (hindered rotation, restricted
- free spiro union
- free-running laser
- freely draining
- freely jointed chain in polymers
- freely rotating chain in polymers
- freezing
- freezing out in atmospheric chemistry
- frequency,
- frequency,
in photochemistryquantity
- frequency distribution
- frequency doubling
- frequency-domain fluorometry
- friction coefficient
- friction factor,
- frictional coefficient,
in polymer chemistryquantity
- fringed-micelle model in polymer crystals
- front surface geometry in luminescence
- frontal chromatography
- frontier orbitals
- fronting in chromatography
- frost point hygrometer
- froth flotation
- Frumkin effect
- fucolipid
- fuel cycle (nuclear)
- fuel element (nuclear)
- fuel reprocessing (nuclear)
- fugacity,
- fugacity coefficient,
- fulgides
- full energy peak
- fullerenes
- fulminates
- fulvalenes
- fulvenes
- fume in atmospheric chemistry
- fumes
- fumigation in atmospheric chemistry
- functional class name
- functional group
- functional parent
- functional polymer
- functionality,
of a monomerquantity
- fungicide
- furanocoumarins
- furanoses
- furnace black
- furnace pyrolysis in spectrochemical analysis
- furocoumarins
- fusion in biotechnology
- fusion name
- FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum)
- γ-cascade
- γ-quantum
- γ-radiation
- γ-ray spectrometer
value in nuclear chemistryquantity
- gain,
of a photomultiplierquantity
- Galvani potential difference
- galvanic corrosion
- gas analysis installation in atmospheric chemistry
- gas black (carbon black, channel black, furnace
- gas chromatography (GC)
- gas constantconstant
- gas laser
- gas sensing electrode
- gas-filled phototube
- gas-filled X-ray detector
- gas-liquid chromatography
- gas-phase acidity
- gas-phase basicity
- gas-phase-grown carbon fibres
- gas-solid chromatography
- gaseous diffusion separator
in atmospheric chemistry - gated photochromism
- gated photodetector
- gauche
- gauche conformation in polymers
- gauche effect
- gaussunit
- Gaussian band shape
- Geiger counter
- Geiger–Muller counter tube
- gel
- gel aging
- gel fraction
- gel permeation chromatography
- gel point
- gelation point
- gel time
- gelation time
- gelation
- gelation temperature
- gel temperature
- geminate ion pair
- geminate pair
- geminate recombination
- gene amplification
- gene (cistron)
- gene library
- gene manipulation
- general acid catalysis
- general acid–base catalysis
- general base catalysis
- general force field (gff)
- gff
- generalized transition-state theory
- generally labelled tracer
- generation time,
in biotechnologyquantity
- genetic algorithm
- genetic code
- genome
- genomics
- genotype
- geometric attenuation
- geometric isomerism
- geometric (logarithmic) mean,
- geometric surface (interface) area
- geometrical equivalence in polymers
- geometry (counting) in radioanalytical chemistry
- geometry factor in radioanalytical chemistry
- germylenes
- germylidenes
- Gibbs adsorption
- Gibbs dividing surface
- Gibbs energy diagram
- Gibbs energy (function),
- Gibbs energy of activation (standard free energy of activation),
quantity - Gibbs energy of photoinduced electron transfer
- Gibbs energy of repulsion
- Gibbs energy profile
- Gibbs film elasticityquantity
- Gibbs surface
- gigaSI unit prefix
- glass electrode error
- glass laser
- glass transition
- glass-like carbon
- glass-transition temperature
- global analysis
- globular-chain crystal in polymers
- glove box
- glycals
- glycans
- glycaric acids
- glycerides
- glycerophospholipid
- glycitols
- glyco-amino-acid
- glycoconjugate
- glycoglycerolipid
- glycolipids
- glycols
- glyconic acids
- glycopeptides (glycoproteins)
- glycoproteins
- glycosamines
- glycosaminoglycan
- glycoses
- glycosides
- glycosphingolipid
- glycosyl group
- glycosyl-amino-acid
- glycosylamines
- glycuronic acids
- Gouy layer in electrochemistry
- grab sampling
- gradient
- gradient elution in chromatography
- gradient layer in chromatography
- gradient packing
- gradientless reactor in catalysis
- gradual (sudden) potential-energy surface
- graft copolymer
- graft copolymerization
- graft macromolecule
- graft polymer
- grafting in catalysis
- grafting in polymer chemistry
- gramunit
- Gram stain
- granular carbon
- graphene layer
- graphite
- graphite electrode
- graphite fibres
- graphite material
- graphite whiskers
- graphitic carbon
- graphitizable carbon
- graphitization
- graphitization heat treatment
- graphitized carbon
- gravimetric method
- gravitational constantconstant
- grayunit
- green body
- green coke
- greenhouse effect in atmospheric chemistry
- Grignard reagents
- grist
- grit in atmospheric chemistry
- ground level concentration
in atmospheric chemistry - ground level inversion in atmospheric chemistry
- ground state
- group
- group electronegativity
- group preconcentration in trace analysis
- growth curve of activity
- growth rate in biotechnology
- Grunwald–Winstein equation
- guest
- Guinier plot
- gustiness in atmospheric chemistry
- Haber–Weiss reaction
- haem
- halato-telechelic polymer
- halatopolymer
- half life,
- half life of a radionuclide
- half thickness in radiochemistry
- half-chair
- half-life,
, of a transient entity
- half-life,
, of a photochromic system
- half-peak potential
- half-wave potential
- half-width of a band
- halirenium ions
- halochromism
- haloforms
- halohydrins
- halonium ions
- halophiles
- hamiltonian operator
- Hammett acidity function
- Hammett equation (Hammett relation)
- Hammond principle (Hammond postulate)
- Hammond–Herkstroeter plot
- handedness
- Hansch analysis
- Hansch constant
- Hantzsch–Widman name
- hapten
- hapto
- hard acid
- hard amorphous carbon films
- hard base
- hard-segment phase domain
- hard-sphere collision cross section
- harmonic approximation
- harmonic frequency generation
- harmonic mean
- harpoon mechanism
- hartree
- Hartree energyconstant
- Haworth representation
- hazard
- haze horizon in atmospheric chemistry
- haze in atmospheric chemistry
- health surveillance
- heat,
- heat capacity,
- heat capacity of activation,
- heat flux,
- heavy atom effect
- heavy atom isotope effect
- heavy water
- hectoSI unit prefix
- height equivalent to a theoretical plate in chromatography (h.e.t.p.)
- h.e.t.p.
- height equivalent to an effective theoretical plate in chromatography (h.e.e.t.p.)
- h.e.e.t.p.
- helicenes
- helicity
- heliochromism
- helion
- helium dead-space in colloid and surface chemistry
- helium ionization detector in gas chromatography
- helium–cadmium laser
- helium–neon laser
- helix
- helix residue in a polymer
- helix sense
- Helmholtz energy (function),
- hemes (heme derivatives)
- hemiacetals
- hemiaminals
- hemiketals
- hemileptic
- hemins
- hemochromes
- hemodialysis
- hemoglobins
- Henderson–Hasselbalch equation
- henryunit
- Henry's law
- Herkstroeter plot
- hertzunit
- Herz compounds
- hetarenes
- hetaryl groups
- hetarynes
- heteroalkenes
- heteroarenes
- heteroaryl groups
- heteroarynes
- heterobimetallic complex
- heterochain polymer
- heteroconjugation
- heterocumulenes
- heterocyclic compounds
- heterocyclyl groups
- heterodetic cyclic peptide
- heterodisperse
- heteroexcimer
- heterogeneity in analytical chemistry
- heterogeneous catalysis
- heterogeneous diffusion rate constant
in electrochemistry - heterogeneous membrane electrode
- heterogeneous nucleation
- heteroleptic
- heterolysis (heterolytic)
- heterolytic bond-dissociation energy
- heterolytic dissociative adsorption
- heteropolysaccharide (heteroglycan)
- heterotactic polymer
- heterotactic triads in polymers
- heterotopic
- heterotrophic (organisms)
- heterovalent hyperconjugation
- hexagonal graphite
- hexahedro- in inorganic nomenclature
- hexaprismo- in inorganic nomenclature
- hidden return
- high resolution energy loss spectroscopy (HRELS)
- high-pressure graphitization
- high-pressure mercury lamp (arc)
- high-spin
- higher-order transition
- highly oriented pyrolytic graphite
- Hildebrand parameter
- hindered rotation
- hipping
- hot isostatic pressing
- histones
- Hofmann rule
- hold-back carrier
- hold-up volume in chromatography
- hold-up volume (time),
in column chromatography - hole burning
- hole transfer
- holoenzyme
- Holtsmark broadening of a spectral line
- homo
- homoaromatic
- homochain polymer
- homochiral
- homoconjugation
- homocyclic compounds
- homodesmotic reaction
- homodetic cyclic peptide
- homogeneity in analytical chemistry
- homogeneous catalysis
- homogeneous membrane electrode
- homogeneous nucleation
- homogeneous nucleus
- homogeneous polymer blend
- miscible polymer blend
- homoleptic
- homologous polymer blend
- homolysis (homolytic)
- homolytic dissociative adsorption
- homomorphic
- homopolymer
- homopolymerization
- homopolysaccharide (homoglycan)
- homotopic
- horizontal elution (horizontal development)
in planar chromatography - host
- host-vector system
- hot atom
- hot cell
- hot ground state reaction
- hot quartz lamp
- hot state reaction
- hourunit
- Hückel (4n + 2) rule
- Hückel molecular orbital (HMO) theory
- Huggins coefficient,
- Huggins equation
- hula-twist (HT) mechanism
- humidity in atmospheric chemistry
- Hund rules
- Hush model
- HWHM (Half Width at Half Maximum)
- hybrid material
- hybrid orbital
- hybrid polymer
- hybridization
- hybridoma
- hydration
- hydrazide hydrazones
- hydrazide imides
- hydrazides
- hydrazidines
- hydrazines
- hydrazinylidenes
- hydrazo compounds
- hydrazones
- hydrazonic acids
- hydride
- hydro
- hydrocarbon cracking
- hydrocarbons
- hydrocarbyl groups
- hydrocarbylene groups
- hydrocarbylidene groups
- hydrocarbylidyne groups
- hydrocarbylsulfanyl nitrenes
- hydrocracking unit
- hydrodynamic volume in polymers
- hydrodynamically equivalent sphere in polymers
- hydrogel
- hydrogen
- hydrogen bond
- hydrogen bond in theoretical organic chemistry
- hydrogen gas electrode
- hydrolases
- hydrolysis
- hydrolysis ratio,
- hydrometeor in atmospheric chemistry
- hydron
- hydroperoxides
- hydrophilic
- hydrophilicity
- hydrophobic interaction
- hydrophobicity
- hydropolysulfides
- hydrosphere in atmospheric chemistry
- hydrosulfides
- hydroxamic acids
- hydroximic acids
- hydroxylamines
- hygrometer
- hygrometry (moisture analysis)
- hyperchromic effect
- hyperconjugation
- hypercoordination
- hyperfine coupling
- hyperfine (interaction)
- hyperpolarizability (of nth order)
- hypersatellite in X-ray spectroscopy
- hypervalency
- hypho-
- hypo-phase
- hypochromic effect
- hypsochromic shift
- hysteresis
- IC
- icosahedro-
- icosanoids
- ICT emission
- ideal, non-linear chromatography
- ideal adsorbed state
- ideal chromatography
- ideal dilute solution
- ideal gas
- ideal mixture
- ideally polarized (electrified) interphase
- ideally unpolarized (electrified) interphase
- identity reaction
- illuminance,
- image converter tube
- image dissection tube
- imaging (photoimaging)
- imbalance
- imbibition in colloid chemistry
- imenes
- imides
- imidic acids
- imidines
- imidogens
- imidonium ions
- imidoyl carbenes
- imidoyl nitrenes
- imin
- imine radical
- imines
- iminium compounds
- imino acids
- imino carbenes
- iminooxy (iminoxy) radicals
- iminoxyl radicals
- iminyl carbenes
- iminyl radicals
- iminylium ions
- immersional wetting
- immiscibility
- immiscible polymer blend
- heterogeneous polymer blend
- immission dose in atmospheric chemistry
- immission flux in atmospheric chemistry
- immission in atmospheric chemistry
- immission rate in atmospheric chemistry
- immobile adsorption
- immobilization by adsorption in catalysis
- immobilization by inclusion in catalysis
- immobilization in biotechnology
- immobilized enzyme
- immobilized phase in chromatography
- immune response
- immunization
- immunoassay
- immunochemistry
- immunogen
- immunoglobulin (Ig)
- immunoradiometric assay
- immunosuppression
- impact parameter,
- impact-modified polymer
- impaction
- impedance,
- impingement
- impinger
- imprecision in analysis
- impregnation in chromatography
- impregnation in polymer chemistry
- improved canonical variational transition-state theory
- impulsive reaction
- in situ micro-X-ray diffraction (Kossel-technique)
- in situ microanalysis
- in vitro
- in vivo
- in-laboratory processing in analytical chemistry
- in-out isomerism
- in-situ composite formation
- inaccuracy in analysis
- inchunit
- incidence in medicinal chemistry
- incinerator
- inclusion compound (inclusion complex)
- incoherent radiation
- incoherent scattering
- incoherent structure
- incongruent reaction
- increment (for bulk materials and large units)
- indicated hydrogen
- indicator electrode
- indicator reaction
- indicator (visual)
- indifferent absorbing ion
- indifferent electrolyte
- indirect amplification
- indirect reaction
- individual gauge for localized orbitals (IGLO)
- individual isotherm in surface chemistry
- individual particle analysis
- individual perception threshold in atmospheric chemistry (IPT)
- induced radioactivity
- induced reaction
- inducer in enzyme catalysis
- induction in enzyme catalysis
- induction period
- inductive effect
- inductomeric effect
- inductor
- inelastic collision
- inelastic scattering
- inert
- inert gas
- inertial defect
- inertial separator
- infinite source thickness
- information theory
- infrared
- inherent viscosity of a polymer
- inhibition
- inhibitor
- inhibitory concentration (
- inhibitory dose (
- inhomogeneity error in spectrochemical analysis
- initial energy in in situ microanalysis
- initial (final) state correlations
- initial rate method
- initiation
- initiator
- injection temperature in chromatography
- inner electric potential,
- inner filter effect
- inner Helmholtz plane (IHP)
- inner layer (compact layer) in electrochemistry
- inner orbital X-ray emission spectra
- inner salts
- inner-sphere electron transfer
- inoculation
- inorganic polymer
- inorganic–organic polymer (IOP)
- inositols
- input rate in analysis
- insert in biotechnology
- insertion
- instability of Hartree–Fock solution
- instability (with reference to instrumentation)
- instantaneous current
- instantaneous rate of flow in polarography
- instantaneous (spot) sampling
in atmospheric chemistry - instrumental activation analysis
- instrumental dependability
- instrumental indication (for a precision balance)
- integral capacitance of an electrodequantity
- integral detector in chromatography
- integrating sphere
- intended crossing of potential-energy surfaces
- intensity
- intensity (relative to base peak)
in mass spectrometry - intensive quantity
- interaction distance
- intercalation compounds
- intercalation in polymer chemistry
- intercalation reaction
- insertion reaction
- interchange reaction
- interchromophoric radiationless transition
- interconal region
- interconvertible enzyme
- interface
- interfacial adhesion
- interfacial concentration,
in electrochemistry
- interfacial double-layer
- interfacial layer
- interfacial layer width,
in thin films
- interfacial region
- interfacial tension
- interference filter
- interference in analysis
- interfering lines
- interfering substance
in electroanalytical chemistry - interferometer
- interferons
- intermediate
- intermediate neutrons
- intermolecular
- intermolecular radiationless transition
- internal absorptance,
- internal compensation
- internal conversion
- internal energy,
- internal filling solution of a glass electrode
- internal reference electrode
- internal return
- internal standard in chromatography
- internal surface
- internal transmittance
- internal valence force field (IVFF)
- international calorie
- International system of units
- international unit
- interparticle porosity,
in chromatographyquantity
- interparticle volume of the column,
in chromatographyquantity - interpenetrating polymer network (IPN)
- interphase
- interphase transition
- intersection space
- interstitial fraction in chromatography
- interstitial velocity in chromatography
- interstitial volume in gas chromatography
- intersystem crossing
- interval analysis
- intervalence charge transfer
- interzonal region
- intimate ion pair
- intra- in organic reaction mechanisms
- intrachromophoric radiationless transition
- intramolecular
- intramolecular catalysis
- intramolecular charge transfer, (ICT)
- intramolecular isotope effect
- intraphase transition
- intrinsic activation energy,
- intrinsic barrier
- intrinsic detector efficiency
- intrinsic full energy peak efficiency
- intrinsic photopeak efficiency
- intrinsic reaction coordinate
- intrinsic viscosity of a polymer
- intrinsically conducting polymer
- intron
- inverse isotope effect
- inverse kinetic isotope effect
- inverse micelle
- inverse square law in radiation chemistry
- inversion
- inversion height in atmospheric chemistry
- inversion point in phase transitions
- inverted micelle
- inverted region (for electron transfer)
- iodohydrins
- iodometric titration
- iodonium ions
- ion
- ion collector in mass spectrometry
- ion cyclotron resonance (ICR) mass spectrometer
- ion energy loss spectra in mass spectrometry
- ion exchange
- ion exchanger
- ion kinetic energy spectrum in mass spectrometry
- ion laser
- ion microscopy
- ion pair
- ion pair return
- ion probe microanalysis (IPMA)
- ion pumps
- ion radical
- ion scattering spectrometry (ISS)
- ion source in mass spectrometry
- ion trap mass spectrometer
- ion-containing polymer
- ion-exchange chromatography
- ion-exchange isotherm
- ion-exchange membrane
- ion-exchange polymer
- ion-free layer
- ion-pair formation in mass spectrometry
- ion-selective electrode cell
- ion-selective electrode (ISE)
- ion/molecule reaction in mass spectrometry
- ion/neutral species exchange reaction
in mass spectrometry - ion/neutral species reaction in mass spectrometry
- ionene
- ionic aggregates in an ionomer
- ionic bond
- ionic concentration
- ionic conductivityquantity
- ionic copolymerization
- ionic dissociation in mass spectrometry
- ionic polymer
- ionic polymerization
- ionic spectral lines
- ionic strength,
- ionic transport number,
- ionization
- ionization buffer in flame spectroscopy
- ionization by sputtering
- ionization chamber
- ionization cross-section
- ionization efficiency
- ionization efficiency curve in mass spectrometry
- ionization energy,
- ionization potential
- ionizing collision in mass spectrometry
- ionizing power
- ionizing radiation
- ionizing voltage
- ionogenic groups
- ionomer
- ionomer cluster
- ionomer molecule
- ionomer multiplet
- ionophore
- ipso-attack
- iridescent layers
- iridoids
- iron-sulfur cluster
- iron-sulfur proteins
- irradiance (at a point of a surface),
- irradiation
- irregular macromolecule
- irregular polymer
- irreversible transition
- isoabsorption point
- isobar in atmospheric chemistry
- isobaric mass-change determination
- isobaric separation
- isobars
- isoclined structures in polymers
- isoclinic point
- isoconfertic separation
- isoconjugate systems
- isocoumarins
- isocratic analysis in chromatography
- isocyanates
- isocyanides
- isocyclic compounds
- isodesmic reaction
- isodiazenes
- isoelectric
- isoelectric point in electrophoresis
- isoelectronic
- isoemissive point
- isoentropic
- isoenzyme
- isoequilibrium relationship
- isoflavonoids
- isogyric reaction
- isoionic
- isoionic point in electrophoresis
- isokinetic line in atmospheric chemistry
- isokinetic relationship
- isokinetic sampling in atmospheric chemistry
- isolampsic point
- isolated double bonds
- isolobal
- isomer
- isomer shift in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- isomerases
- isomeric
- isomeric state in nuclear chemistry
- isomeric transition in nuclear chemistry
- isomerism
- isomerization
- isometric
- isomorphic polymer blend
- isomorphous structures in polymers
- isonitriles
- isonitroso compounds
- isooptoacoustic point
- isopeptide bond
- isopotential point
- isoprenes
- isoprenoids
- isopycnic
- isopycnic separation
- isorefractive
- isosbestic point
- isoselective relationship
- isoselenocyanates
- isostatic pressing
- isosteric enthalpy of adsorption
- isostilbic point
- isostructural reaction
- isotactic macromolecule
- isotactic polymer
- isotactic triads in polymers
- isotherm in atmospheric chemistry
- isothermal chromatography
- isothiocyanates
- isotones
- isotope dilution
- isotope dilution analysis
- isotope effect
- isotope exchange
- isotope exchange analysis
- isotope pattern in mass spectrometry
- isotopes
- isotopic abundance
- isotopic carrier
- isotopic enrichment
- isotopic enrichment factor
- isotopic fractionation factor
- isotopic ion
- isotopic labelling
- isotopic molecular ion
- isotopic scrambling
- isotopic separation
- isotopic tracer
- isotopically deficient
- isotopically enriched ions
- isotopically labelled
- isotopically modified
- isotopically substituted
- isotopically unmodified
- isotopologue
- isotopomer
- isotropic
- isotropic carbon
- isotropic pitch-based carbon fibres
- isoureas
- isovalent hyperconjugation
- isozyme
- j-value in atmospheric chemistry
- Jablonski diagram
- Jahn–Teller effect
- Jahn–Teller transition
- jouleunit
- junction point
- junction unit
- junction-point density
- κ (kappa) in inorganic nomenclature
- Kamlet–Taft solvent parameters
- Kaptein–Closs rules
- Kasha rule
- Kasha–Vavilov rule
- katalunit
- Kekulé structure (for aromatic compounds)
- kelvinunit
- ketals
- ketazines
- ketenes
- ketenimines
- ketides
- ketimines
- keto
- keto carbenes
- ketoaldonic acids
- ketoaldoses
- ketones
- ketoses
- ketoximes
- ketyls
- kiloSI unit prefix
- kilogramunit
- kind-of-property
- kind-of-quantity
- kinematic viscosity,
- kinematics
- kinetic activity factor
- kinetic ambiguity
- kinetic control of product composition
- kinetic current
- kinetic electrolyte effect (kinetic ionic-strength effect)
- kinetic energy,
- kinetic equivalence
- kinetic isotope effect
- kinetic method of analysis
- kinetic resolution
- kinetic synergist
- kinetic theory of collisions
- klado-
- Koopmans' theorem
- Koppel–Palm solvent parameters
- Kosower Z-value
- Kováts (retention) index
- Krafft point
- Kratky plot
- krypton ion laser
- Λ (lambda)
(lambda-transition)- l, u
- L
- l
- label
- labelling
- labile
- laboratory sample
- lachrymator
- lactams
- lactides
- lactims
- lactols
- lactones
- ladder chain
- ladder macromolecule
- ladder polymer
- lag phase in biotechnology
- lambda
- Lambert law
- lamellar crystal
- lamp
- lamp black
- Landau–Zener model
- Landolt reaction
- Langmuir monolayer
- Langmuir–Blodgett (LB) membrane
- Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism
- Langmuir–Rideal (Rideal–Eley) mechanism
- Laporte rule
- lapse rate in atmospheric chemistry
- large particle in radiation scattering
- lariat ethers
- laser
- laser beam ionization
- laser dye
- laser ionization in mass spectrometry
- laser micro emission spectroscopy
- laser micro mass spectrometry
(LAMMS) - laser Raman microanalysis (LRMA)
- laser-jet photochemical technique
- lasing
- late-downhill surface
- latent image
- latent period (latency) in medicinal chemistry
- lateral order in a polymer
- lateral resolution in in situ microanalysis
- latex
- lath crystal
- lattice distortion
- laws of distribution in precipitation
- layer
- layer equilibrium in chromatography
- leader sequence in biotechnology
- least motion, principle of
- least-squares technique
- leaving group
- lecithins
- lectins
- Leffler's assumption
- left-to-right convention
- length,
quantity - lethal concentration
- lethal dose
- lethal synthesis
- leuco bases
- leuco compounds
- leukotrienes
- level
- level width,
quantity - levelling effect
- Lewis acid
- Lewis acidity
- Lewis adduct
- Lewis base
- Lewis basicity
- Lewis formula (electron dot or Lewis structure)
- Lewis octet rule
- LIDAR in atmospheric chemistry
- lifetime of luminescencequantity
- lifetime,
quantity - ligand field
- ligand field splitting
- ligand to ligand charge transfer (LLCT) transition
- ligand to metal charge transfer (LMCT) transition
- ligands
- ligases (synthetases)
- ligate
- light polarization
- light scattering
- light source
- light-atom anomaly
- light-emitting diode (LED)
- lignans
- lignins
- limit of detection in analysis
- limit test in toxicology
- limiting adsorption current
- limiting catalytic current
- limiting condition of operation
- limiting current
- limiting differential diffusion coefficient
- limiting diffusion current
- limiting kinetic current
- limiting mean
- limiting migration current
- limiting sedimentation coefficient
- limiting viscosity number
- line formula
- line repetition groups
- line width
- line width in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- line-of-centres model
- line-shape analysis
- linear absorption coefficient
- linear attenuation coefficient
- linear chain
- linear chromatography
- linear copolymer
- linear (decadic) absorption coefficient
in optical spectroscopy - linear (decadic) attenuation coefficient
in optical spectroscopy - linear dichroism (LD)
- linear dispersion
- linear distribution isotherm in chromatography
- linear electron accelerator
- linear energy transfer
- linear free-energy relation
- linear Gibbs energy relation
- linear macromolecule
- linear polarizer
- linear polymer
- linear pulse amplifier
- linear range
- linear solvation energy relationships
- linear strain,
quantity - linearity of responsivity (of a radiation detector)
- lineic
- Lineweaver–Burk plot
- linked scan in mass spectrometry
- lipid film
- lipids
- lipophilic
- lipophilicity
- lipophobic
- lipopolysaccharides
- lipoproteins
- liposome
- Lippman's equation
- liquid chromatography (LC)
- liquid crystal
- liquid excimer laser
- liquid ion exchange
- liquid ion laser
- liquid junction
- liquid laser
- liquid membrane
- liquid scintillation detector
- liquid volume in gas chromatography
- liquid-coated stationary phase (material) in liquid chromatography
- liquid-crystal dendrimer
- liquid-crystal polymer
- liquid-crystal state
- liquid-crystal transitions
- liquid-crystalline phase
- liquid-crystalline polymer
- liquid crystal polymer
- liquid-gel chromatography
- liquid-liquid distribution (extraction) (partition)
- liquid-liquid extraction
- liquid-phase loading in chromatography
- liquidus
- lithometeor in atmospheric chemistry
- lithosphere in atmospheric chemistry
- litreunit
- live time
- living copolymerization
- living polymer
- living polymerization
- load (on a precision balance)
- loading capacity in solvent extraction
- local conformation of a polymer
- local current density
- local efficiency of atomization,
in flame spectrometryquantity - local flame temperature,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - local fraction atomized,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - local fraction desolvated,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - local fraction volatilized,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - localized adsorption
- localized molecular orbitals (LMO)
- localized-itinerant transition
- lock-in state
- log-normal distribution
- logarithmic distribution coefficient
in precipitation - logarithmic normal distribution
of a macromolecular assembly - logarithmic viscosity number
- logit
- London forces
- London–Eyring–Polanyi (LEP) method
- London–Eyring–Polanyi–Sato (LEPS) method
- lone (electron) pair
- long chain
- long spacing in polymer crystals
- long-chain branch
- long-lived collision complex
- long-range intramolecular interaction in polymers
- longitudinal order in a polymer
- loose end
- loose ion pair
- Lorentz broadening of a spectral line
- Lorentzian band shape
- Lorenz–Mie theory
- lot in analytical chemistry
- low energy electron diffraction (LEED)
- low pressure electrical discharge
- low temperature UV–VIS absorption spectroscopy
- low-pressure diamond
- low-pressure mercury lamp (arc)
- low-spin
- low-spin state
- lowest lethal concentration found
- lowest observed adverse effect level (LOAEL)
- lowest-observed-adverse-effect-level (LOAEL)replaced
- lowest-observed-effect-level (LOEL)
unit- luminancequantity
- luminescence
- luminescence quenching
- luminescence spectrometer
- luminous flux
- luminous intensity
quantity - luminous quantities
- lumiphore (luminophore)
unit- lyases
- lyate ion
- lyonium ion
- lyophilic
- lyophilic sols
- lyophobic
- lyotropic mesophase
- lysimeter
- µ- (mu) in inorganic nomenclature
- M
- machine in analysis
- macrocycle
- macrolides
- macrometeorology in atmospheric chemistry
- macromolecular
- macromolecular isomorphism
- macromolecule (polymer molecule)
- macromonomer
- macromonomer molecule
- macromonomer unit
- macromonomeric unit (macromonomer unit)
- macropore in catalysis
- macroporous polymer
- macroradical
- macroscopic cross-section
- macroscopic diffusion control
- macroscopic film
- macroscopic kinetics
- magic acid
- magic angle
- magnetic circular dichroism (MCD)
- magnetic coherence length,
in thin filmsquantity - magnetic deflection in mass spectrometry
- magnetic equivalence
- magnetic field
scan in mass spectrometry - magnetic field strength,
quantity - magnetic flux,
quantity - magnetic flux density,
- magnetic flux density in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- magnetic induction
- magnetic moment,
quantity - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- magnetic susceptibilityquantity
- magnetic susceptibility,
quantity - magnetic transition
- magnetizability,
quantity - magnetization transfer
- magnetogyric ratio,
quantity - main chain (backbone) of a polymer
- main-chain polymer liquid crystal
- main-chain scission
- mancude-ring systems
- mancunide-ring systems
- manipulator
- manual in analysis
- mapping in biotechnology
- Marangoni effect
- Marcus equation (for electron transfer)
- Marcus inverted region (for electron transfer)
- Marcus–Coltrin path
- Marcus–Hush relationship
- marker
- Markownikoff rule
- Mark–Houwink equation
- martensitic transition
- mass,
- mass analysis in mass spectrometry
- mass balance in atmospheric chemistry
- mass concentration,
quantity - mass density
- mass density gradient,
- mass distribution ratio
- mass distribution ratio in chromatography
- mass distribution ratio,
in micellar electrokinetic chromatographyquantity - mass distribution ratio,
in micro-emulsion electrokinetic chromatographyquantity - mass excess,
quantity - mass flow rate,
quantity - mass fraction,
quantity - mass number,
quantity - mass peak in mass spectrometry
- mass range in mass spectrometry
- mass resolving power in mass spectrometry
- mass spectrograph
- mass spectrometer
- mass spectrometer focusing system (deflection
- mass spectrometer (operating on the linear accelerator
- mass spectrometric detector in gas chromatography
- mass spectrometry
- mass spectroscope
- mass spectroscopy
- mass spectrum
- mass transfer coefficient in electrochemistry
- mass transfer in biotechnology
- mass (weight) of the stationary phase,
in chromatography - mass-average velocity in electrolytes
- mass-distribution function
- mass-flow sensitive detector in chromatography
- mass-law effect
- mass-to-charge ratio,
in mass spectrometry - mass-transfer-controlled electrolyte rate constant
- massic
- massive transition
- matched cells in spectrochemical analysis
- material safety data sheet (MSDS)
- matrix effect
- matrix in analysis
- matrix isolation
- Mattauch–Herzog geometry
- maximum allowable concentration
in atmospheric chemistry - maximum emission concentration
in atmospheric chemistry - maximum hardness, principle of
- maximum latent period
- maximum loading
- maximum permissible daily dose
- maximum permissible level (MPL)
- maximum storage life
- maximum tolerable concentration (MTC)
- maximum tolerable dose (MTD)
- maximum tolerable exposure level (MTEL)
- maximum tolerated dose (MTD)
- McLafferty rearrangement in mass spectrometry
- mean activity of an electrolyte in solution
- mean (average),
- mean catalytic activity rate,
- mean current density
- mean exchange current density
- mean free path,
quantity - mean interstitial velocity of the carrier gas
in chromatography - mean life,
- mean lifetime,
- mean linear range in nuclear chemistry
- mean mass range in nuclear chemistry
- mean mass rate,
- mean residence time of adsorbed molecules
- mean substance rate,
- mean volume rate,
- measurable quantity
- measurand
- measured excitation spectrum
- measured spectrum
- measured value in analysis
- measurement
- measurement resolution
in atmospheric trace component analysis - measurement result
- measurement solution in analysis
- measurement threshold of an analyser
- mechanical entrapment
- mechanical hygrometer
- mechanical inhibitor in catalysis
- mechanism of a reaction
- mechanism-based inhibition
- mechanization in analysis
- Mechano-chemical reaction
- median
- median effective concentration
- median effective dose
- median lethal concentration
- median lethal dose
- median lethal time
- median narcotic concentration
- median narcotic dose
- medium
- medium effect
- medium-pressure mercury lamp
- medium-pressure mercury arc
- megaSI unit prefix
- meiosis
- Meisenheimer adduct
- Meker burner
- melting
- melting point (corrected/uncorrected)
- membrane
- membrane emf
- membrane in an ion-selective electrode
- membrane potential
- membrane sites
in an ion-selective electrode - memory effect in atmospheric chemistry
- mer in polymer chemistry
- mer- in inorganic nomenclature
- mercaptals
- mercaptans
- mercaptides
- mercaptoles
- mercury flow system in spectrochemical analysis
- mercury–xenon lamp
- mercury–xenon arc
- mero
- merry-go-round reactor (turntable reactor)
- meso
- meso structures in polymers
- meso-compound
- mesogen
- mesogenic group
- mesogenic monomer
- mesogenic pitch
- mesoionic compounds
- mesolytic cleavage
- mesomeric effect
- mesomerism
- mesomorphic phase
- mesomorphic state
- mesomorphic transition
- mesopause in atmospheric chemistry
- mesophase
- mesophase pitch
- mesophase pitch-based carbon fibres
- mesophiles
- mesopore in catalysis
- mesoscale
- mesosphere
- messenger RNA (mRNA)
- metabolic half-life (metabolic half-time)
- metabolism
- metabolite
- metal distribution
- metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) transition
- metal to metal charge transfer (MMCT) transition
- metallacycloalkanes
- metallocenes
- metalloenzyme
- metallurgical coke
- metal–carbene complexes
- metal–carbyne complexes
- metal–insulator transition
- metal–nonmetal transition
- metamagnetic transition
- metastability of a phase
- metastable
- metastable film
- metastable ion in mass spectrometry
- metastable state in nuclear chemistry
- metastable state in spectrochemistry
- metatectoid reaction
- metathesis
- methanogens
- method of isotopic perturbation
- methylene
- methylidyne
- methylotrophic microorganisms
- metreunit
- micellar catalysis
- micellar mass
- micellar solubilization
- micellar weight
- micelle
- micelle charge
- Michaelis constant,
- Michaelis–Menten kinetics
- Michaelis–Menten mechanism
- microSI unit prefix
- micro-network
- microbial leaching
- microcanonical rate constant
- microcanonical variational transition-state theory
- microcarrier in biotechnology
- microclimatology
- microdomain morphology
- microelectrophoresis
- microfiltration
- microgel
- gel microparticle
- microheterogeneity in biochemistry
- micrometeorology
- microphotometer
- micropore filling in catalysis
- micropore in catalysis
- micropore volume in catalysis
- microporous carbon
- microscopic chemical event
- microscopic cross-section,
quantity - microscopic diffusion control (encounter control)
- microscopic electrophoresis
- microscopic film
- microscopic kinetics
- microscopic reversibility at equilibrium
- microsome
- microsyneresis
- middle atmosphere
- Mie scattering
- migration
- migration current
- migration time,
in capillary electrophoresisquantity
- migration time of micelles,
in micellar electrokinetic chromatographyquantity
- migratory aptitude
- migratory insertion
- milliSI unit prefix
- milligram equivalent of readability
of a precision balance - millimetre of mercuryunit
- milling (grinding)
- minimum consumption time,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - minimum density of states criterion
- minimum lethal concentration
quantity - minimum lethal dose
quantity - minimum-energy reaction path (MERP)
- minus
of arcunit- miscibility
- miscibility gap
- mist in atmospheric chemistry
- mitochondria
- mitosis
- mixed ceramic
- mixed control
- mixed crystal (solid solution)
- mixed energy release
- mixed indicator
- mixed labelled
- mixed potential
- mixing control
- mixing height in atmospheric chemistry
- mixing in analytical chemistry
- mixing ratio in atmospheric chemistry
- mixture
- mobile adsorption
- mobile phase in chromatography
- mobile-phase velocity,
in chromatography - mobility,
quantity - mobility (general)quantity
- mobility in aerosol physics
- Möbius aromaticity
- mode
- mode-locked laser
- model network
- moderation in nuclear chemistry
- moderator
- modified active solid in chromatography
- modified Arrhenius equation
- modified sample
- modifier in solvent extraction
- modulus of elasticity,
quantity - Young's modulusquantity
- Mohr amplification process in analysis
- moiety
- MOL file format
- molal
- molality,
quantity - molar
- molar absorption coefficient,
- molar decadic absorption coefficientquantity
- molar absorptivity
- molar activity in radiochemistry
- molar average velocity in electrolytes
- molar conductivity
- molar refraction,
quantity - molar-mass exclusion limit
in polymers - molarity
unit- mole fraction
- molecular anion
- molecular beams
- molecular cation
- molecular conformation of a polymer
- molecular connectivity index
- molecular design
- molecular dynamics
- molecular dynamics in drug design
- molecular entity
- molecular formula
- molecular graph
- molecular graph theory
- molecular graphics
- molecular ion in mass spectrometry
- molecular kinetics
- molecular laser
- molecular mechanics calculation
- molecular metal
- molecular modeling
- molecular nucleation in polymers
- molecular orbital
- molecular orientation
- molecular rearrangement
- molecular Rydberg state
- molecular shape
- molecular sieve effect
- molecular spectra
- molecular weight
- molecular-weight exclusion limit in polymers
- molecularity
- molecule
- molfile
- molozonides
- moment of a force,
quantity - moment of inertia,
quantity - momentum,
quantity - momentum spectrum
- monitoring
- mono-energetic radiation
- monochromator
- monoclonal antibodies (MAbs)
- monodisperse medium
- monodisperse polymer
- monoisotopic mass spectrum
- monolayer
- monolayer capacity
- monolith
- monomer
- monomer molecule
- monomer unit
- monomeric unit (monomer unit, mer)
- monosaccharides
- monotectic reaction
- monotectoid reaction
- monotectoid temperature
- monoterpenes
- monoterpenoids
- monothioacetals
- monotropic transition
- Monte Carlo (MC), method of
- Monte Carlo study
- mordant
- More O'Ferrall–Jencks diagram
- Morin transition
- morphology
- morphology coarsening
- phase ripening
- morphotropic transition
- Morse potential
- Mössbauer effect
- Mössbauer thickness
in Mössbauer spectroscopy - most probable distribution (in macromolecular
- Mott transition
- Mott–Hubbard transition
- MPP-based carbon fibres
- mucopolysaccharides
- Mulliken population analysis (MPA)
- multi-centre bond
- multi-centre reaction
- multi-channel pulse height analyser
- multi-strand chain in polymers
- multi-strand macromolecule
- multicoat morphology
- multiconfiguration SCF method
- MCSCF method
- multident
- multienzyme
- multienzyme complex
- multienzyme polypeptide
- multilayer
- multilayer adsorption
- multilayer aggregate in polymer crystals
- multiphase copolymer
- multiphoton absorption
- multiphoton ionization in mass spectrometry
- multiphoton process
- multiple inclusion morphology
- salami-like morphology
- multiple ionization satellite
in X-ray spectroscopy - multiple peak scanning in mass spectrometry
- multiple scattering
- multiple-pass cell in spectrochemical analysis
- multiplex spectrometer
- multiplicative name
- multiplicity (spin multiplicity)
- multiply labelled
- multipole line
in X-ray spectroscopy - multireference configuration interaction (MRCI)
- multistage sampling
- multivariate statistics
- munchnones
- muonium
- mustard oils
- mustards
- mutagen
- mutagenesis
- mutarotation
- mutation
- mutation rate in biotechnology
- mutual inductance,
quantity - Myelin cylinders
- n → π* state
- n → π* transition
- n → σ* transition
- n-σ*
delocalization (or n-σ* no bond
- n-star macromolecule
- n-strand chain
- n-strand molecule
- N-terminal residue in a polypeptide
- nanoSI unit prefix
- nanocomposite
- nanodomain morphology
- nanofiltration
- nanogel
- gel nanoparticle
- nanoscopic film
- naphthenes
- naphthenic acids
- narcissistic reaction
- natural atomic orbital (NAO)
- natural bond orbital (NBO)
- natural broadening of a spectral line
- natural graphite
- natural hybrid orbital (NHO)
- natural isotopic abundance
- natural orbital
- natural population analysis (NPA)
- natural radiation
- natural radioactivity
- neat soap
- necrosis
- needle coke
- negative adsorption
- negative feedback
- negative hyper-conjugation
- negative ion in mass spectrometry
- negaton
- neighbouring group participation
- nematic phase
- nematic state
- neodymium laser
- neoflavonoids
- neolignans
unit- nephelometry
- Nernst's diffusion layer
- net current
- net electric charge,
of a particle in electrophoresis - net in surface chemistry
- net shaping
- network
- network defect
- network in polymer chemistry
- network polymer
- network-chain molar mass,
- inter-junction molar massquantity
- neutral-density filter
- neutralized gel
- neutrino (electron neutrino)
- neutron
- neutron density
- neutron multiplication
- neutron number,
quantity - neutron rest massconstant
- neutron temperature
- neutrophilic organisms
- Newman projection
unit- Newton black film
- Newton diagram
- Newtonian fluid
- nido-
- Nier–Johnson geometry
- NIH shift
- nimbostratus cloud in atmospheric chemistry
- nitramines
- nitrenes
- nitrenium ions
- nitrification
- nitrile imides
- nitrile imines
- nitrile oxides
- nitrile sulfides
- nitrile ylides
- nitriles
- nitrilimines
- nitrilium betaines
- nitrilium ions
- nitrimines
- nitro compounds
- nitrogen fixation
- nitrogen laser
- nitrogen mustards
- nitrogen ylides
- nitrolic acids
- nitrones
- nitronic acids
- nitrosamides
- nitrosamines
- nitrosimines
- nitroso compounds
- nitrosolic acids
- nitroxides
- nitroxyl radicals
- no carrier added
- no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL)
- no-bond resonance
- no-load indication (for a precision balance)
- no-observed-effect-level (NOEL)
- nodal plane
- noise
- nominal linear flow,
in chromatographyquantity - nominally labelled tracer
- non-calorimetric thermophysical measurements
- non-coherent source in spectrochemistry
- non-crossing rule
- non-crystalline electrodes
- non-destructive activation analysis
- non-diagram line in X-ray spectroscopy
- non-dissociative chemisorption
- non-draining
- non-equilibrium reaction
- non-graphitic carbon
- non-graphitizable carbon
- non-ideal, linear chromatography
- non-ideal, non-linear chromatography
- non-ideal chromatography
- non-isotopic labelling
- non-Kekulé molecules
- non-linear chromatography
- non-linear distribution isotherm in chromatography
- non-linear optical effect
- non-linear optical polymer
- non-linear optical techniques
- non-linearity error in spectrochemical analysis
- non-localized adsorption
- non-polarized interphases
- non-radiative decay
- non-specific adsorption
- non-uniform corrosion
- non-uniform polymer
- non-vertical energy transfer
- nonadiabatic
- nonadiabatic coupling
- nonadiabatic electron transfer
- nonadiabatic photoreaction
- nonbonded interactions
- nonbonding molecular orbital
- nonclassical carbocation
- nonclassical structure
- nonselective detector
- nonselective quantum counter
- nonselectively labelled
- nor-
- normal
- normal distribution
- normal kinetic isotope effect
- normal region (for electron transfer)
- normal stress,
quantity - normal X-ray level
- normal-phase chromatography
- normalization
- Norrish Type I photoreaction
- Norrish Type II photoreaction
- Norrish–Yang reaction
- nth order phase transition
- nuclear atom
- nuclear chemistry
- nuclear decay
- nuclear disintegration
- nuclear fission
- nuclear fuel
- nuclear fusion
- nuclear fusion reaction
- nuclear graphite
- nuclear isomers
- nuclear level
- nuclear magnetonconstant
- nuclear particle
- nuclear quadrupole moment (spectroscopic)
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear transformation
- nuclear transition
- nuclearity
- nucleating agent
- nucleation and growth
- nucleation in colloid chemistry
- nucleation of phase separation in polymer chemistry
- nucleic acids
- nucleofuge
- nucleon
- nucleon number
- nucleophile (nucleophilic)
- nucleophilic aromatic photosubstitution
- nucleophilic catalysis
- nucleophilicity
- nucleoproteins
- nucleosides
- nucleotide bases
- nucleotides
- nucleus
- nuclide
- nuclidic mass
- nuisance threshold in atmospheric chemistry
- number concentration,
- number content,
- number density,
quantity - number flow rate,
quantity - number fraction
- number of entities,
- number of moles
- number of theoretical plates
- number-distribution function
- numerical value of a quantity
- observation height,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - observation pathlength,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - observation space
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - observation volume,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - observed rate coefficient
- occlusion (molecular)
- octahedro- in inorganic nomenclature
- odd-electron ion
- ODMR (Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance)
- odour threshold in atmospheric chemistry
unit- OLED
- olefins
- oligo
- oligomer
- oligomer molecule
- oligomeric
- oligomerization
- oligonucleotides
- oligopeptides
- oligosaccharides
- one-bond-flip (OBF)
- one-colour indicator
- one-photon photochromism
- onion morphology
- onium compounds
- open atomizer
- open dynamic system in spectrochemical analysis
- open film
- open hearth furnace in atmospheric chemistry
- open static system in spectrochemical analysis
- open-shell systems
- open-tubular column in chromatography
- operational pH cell
- operational pH standard
- operator gene
- operon
- opposing reactions
- optical activity
- optical antipodes
- optical density
- optical filter
- optical isomers
- optical multi-channel analyser (OMA)
- optical parametric amplification (OPA)
- optical parametric oscillator (OPO)
- optical purity
- optical resolution
- optical rotation
- optical rotatory power
- optical spectroscopy
- optical yield
- optical-beam error in spectrochemical analysis
- optically active polymer
- optically labile
- optoacoustic spectroscopy
- orbital (atomic or molecular)
- orbital energy
- orbital steering
- orbital symmetry
- order of reaction,
quantity - order parameter
- order-disorder transition
- ordered co-continuous double gyroid morphology
- organelles
- organic dye laser
- organically modified silica
- organically modified silicate
- organically-modified ceramic
- organomodified ceramic
- organic–inorganic polymer (OIP)
- organo-
- organoheteryl groups
- organometallic compounds
- organyl groups
- origin of replication (ori)
- ortho acids
- ortho amides
- ortho esters
- ortho- and peri-fused (polycyclic compounds)
- ortho-fused (polycyclic compounds)
- orthokinetic aggregation in colloids
- osazones
- oscillating reaction
- oscillator strength,
- osmolality,
- osmolarity
- osmotic coefficient,
quantity - osmotic concentration,
- osmotic pressure,
quantity - osones
- osotriazoles
- Ostwald ripening
- out-isomer
- out-of-plane bending coordinate
in molecular geometry - outer electric potential,
quantity - outer Helmholtz plane (OHP)
- outer-sphere electron transfer
- outgassing of a catalyst
- output rate
- overall activation energy
- overlap integral,
- overpotential,
quantity - oxa-di-π-methane rearrangement
- oxenium ions
- oxidant in atmospheric chemistry
- oxidation
- oxidation number
- oxidation state
- oxidation–reduction (redox) titration
- oxidative addition
- oxidative coupling
- oxide network
- oxidized species
- oxidoreductases
- oxime O-ethers
- oximes
- oxo acids
- oxo carboxylic acids
- oxo compounds
- oxoacids
- oxocarbons
- oxonium ions
- oxonium ylides
- oxyacid (oxy-acid)
- oxygen-flask combustion
in spectrochemical analysis - oxylium ions
- ozone hole
- ozonides
- π – π* state
- π → π* transition
- π → σ* transition
- π-adduct
- π-bond
- π-complex
- π-electron acceptor/donor group
P, M
- packed column in chromatography
- packing in column chromatography
- paddlanes
- pair attenuation coefficient in nuclear chemistry
- pair correlation length,
in thin filmsquantity - pair production in nuclear chemistry
- Pallmann effect
- PAN-based carbon fibres
- paraffin
- parallel reactions
- parallel-chain crystal in polymers
- paramagnetic
- parametric amplification
- parametric processes
- optical parametric processes
- parent hydride
- parent ion in mass spectrometry
- Pariser–Parr–Pople (PPP) method
- partial anodic (cathodic) current
- partial charge exchange reaction
- partial charge transfer reaction
- partial decay constant in nuclear chemistry
- partial digestion in spectrochemical analysis
- partial isotherm (or individual isotherm)
in surface chemistry - partial kinetic current in electrochemistry
- partial least squares (PLS)
- partial mass density,
quantity - partial microscopic diffusion control (encounter
- partial molar Gibbs energy
- partial molar quantity
- partial order of reaction
- partial pressure
- partial rate factor
- partial specific volume,
- partially draining
- particle concentration in atmospheric chemistry
- particle density in nuclear chemistry
- particle induced X-ray emission analysis
- particle scattering factor
- particle scattering function
- particle size distribution
in atmospheric chemistry - particle size in atmospheric chemistry
- particular property
- particulate carbon
- particulate gel
- particulate matter in atmospheric chemistry
- particulate sol
- partition
- partition chromatography
- partition coefficient
- partition constant,
quantity - partition function
- partition isotherm in chromatography
- partition ratio,
quantity - partly open film
unit- passivation in electrochemical corrosion
- passivation potential in electrochemical corrosion
- passive metal
- passive sampler
- passive state in electrochemical corrosion
- Paterno–Büchi reaction
- pattern recognition
- paucidisperse system
- Pauli exclusion principle
- peak analysis
- peak area in chromatography
- peak area method
- peak base in chromatography
- peak concentration (trace atmospheric component)
- peak current
- peak elution volume (time),
in column chromatography - peak enthalpimetry
- peak fitting
- peak height in chromatography
- peak in chromatography
- peak maximum in chromatography
- peak potential
- peak resolution,
in chromatographyquantity - peak widths in chromatography
- pectins
- Peierls distortion
- Peierls transition
- pellicular packing in chromatography
- penams
- pendant chain
- pendant group (side group)
- penems
- penetrant (permeant)
- penetration depth
- penicillins
- Penning gas mixture
- pentads in polymers
- pentaprismo-
- peptides
- peptidoglycan
- peptization
- deflocculation
- peptization in colloid chemistry
- per acids
- percent
- percent diastereoisomer excess
- percent enantiomer excess
- percentage error
- percentage exposed in metallic catalysts
- percentage relative error,
- percentage standard deviation,
- perfect network
- perfect polymer network
- perfectly polarized interphase
- perfusion stationary phase (material) in liquid chromatography
- pericyclic reaction
- perikinetic aggregation in colloids
- period,
quantity - periodic copolymer
- periodic copolymerization
- periodic voltage
- peripheral atom in organic reaction mechanisms
- periplanar
- periselectivity
- peritectic reaction
- peritectoid reaction
- peritectoid temperature
- permanent crosslink
- permeability,
quantity - permeability of vacuum,
constant - permeate
- permeation chromatography
- permeation tube
- permittivity,
quantity - permittivity of vacuumconstant
- permselectivity
- peroxides
- peroxisome
- peroxo compounds
- peroxy acids
- perpendicular effect
- persistence length in polymers
- persistent
- perspective formula
- perstraction
- perturbation theory
- perturbed dimensions in polymers
- pervaporation
- pesticide
- pesticide residue
- petaSI unit prefix
- petroleum coke
- petroleum pitch
- pHquantity
- pH glass electrode
- pH gradient in electrophoresis
- pH standard
- pH-rate profile
- pH0.5 or pH1/2 in solvent extraction
- phantom chain behaviour
- pharmacodynamics
- pharmacokinetics
- phase
- phase domain
- phase fluorimetry
- phase I reaction of biotransformation
- phase II reaction of biotransformation
- phase interaction
- phase inversion
- phase ratio,
in chromatographyquantity - phase ratio,
in liquid-liquid distributionquantity - phase rule
- phase separation
- phase transition
- phase-space theory
- phase-transfer catalysis
- phenolates
- phenols
- phenomenological equation
- phenonium ions
- phenotype
- phenoxides
- pheromone
- phonon
- phosphanes
- phosphanylidenes
- phosphatidic acids
- phosphazenes
- phosphine oxides
- phosphines
- phosphinic acids
- phosphinidenes
- phosphinous acids
- phospho
- phosphoglycerides
- phospholipids
- phosphonic acids
- phosphonitriles
- phosphonium compounds
- phosphonium ylides
- phosphono
- phosphonous acids
- phosphoramides
- phosphoranes
- phosphoranyl radicals
- phosphorescence
- phosphorescence lifetime
- phosphorimetry
- phosphoroscope
- phosphorus ylides
- phosphorylation
- phosphylenes
- photo-Bergman cyclization
- photo-Claisen rearrangement
- photo-elastic polymer
- photo-Fries rearrangement
- photoacoustic detector
- photoacoustic effect
- photoacoustic spectroscopy
- photoadsorption
- photoaffinity labelling (PAL)
- photoassisted catalysis
- photobiology
- photocatalysis
- photocatalyst
- photocatalytic cell
- photochemical curing
- photo-curing
- photochemical detector
- photochemical equivalence
- photochemical funnel
- photochemical hole burning
- photochemical nitrogen extrusion
- photochemical reaction
- photochemical reaction path
- photochemical smog
- photochemical yield
- photochemistry
- photochromism
- photoconductive detector
- photoconductivity
- photocrosslinking
- photocurrent yield
- photocyclization
- photocycloaddition
- photodecarbonylation
- photodecarboxylation
- photodeconjugation
- photodegradation
- photodesorption
- photodetachment of electrons
- photodiode
- photodiode array
- photodynamic effect
- photoelectric attenuation coefficient
- photoelectric detector
- photoelectric peak
- photoelectrical effect
- photoelectrochemical cell
- photoelectrochemical etching
- photoelectrochemistry
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoelectron spectroscopy (PES)
- photoelectron yield
- photoemissive detector
- photoexcitation
- photogalvanic cell
- photohydration
- photoimaging
- photoinduced electron transfer
- photoinduced polymerization
- photoinitiation
- photoionization
- photoionization detector in gas chromatography
- photoisomerization
- photoluminescence
- photoluminescent polymer
- photolysis
- photometry
- photomultiplier tube
- photon
- photon activation
- photon counting
- single-photon counting
- photon echo
- photon emittance
- photon exitance,
- specific photon emissionquantity
- photon exposure,
- photon flow,
quantity - photon fluence,
- photon fluence rate,
- photon flux,
- photon irradiance,
- photon number,
quantity - photon quantities
- photon radiance,
- photooxidation
- photooxygenation
- photopeak
- photophoresis
- photophosphorylation
- photophysical processes
- photopolymerization
- photoreaction
- photorearrangement
- photoreduction
- photoresist
- photoselection
- photosensitive polymer
- photosensitization
- photosensitizer
- photostationary state
- photosynthesis
- photosystem
- photothermal effect
- photothermography
- phototransistor
- photovoltaic cell
- phthaleins
- phthalides
- physical adsorption
- physical network
- physical quantity (measurable quantity)
- physisorption (physical adsorption)
- phytotoxicant
- picoSI unit prefix
- picrates
- piezoelectric polymer
- piezoluminescence
- pile-up in radioanalytical chemistry
- PIN (p-intrinsic-n) diode
- PIN semiconductor detector
- pinacols
- pinocytosis
- pitch
- pitch-based carbon fibres
- pitting corrosion
- Pitzer strain
- planar chirality
- planar chromatography
- planar film
- planar intramolecular charge transfer (PICT)
- planar stereoisomerism
- Planck constant
- plane angle
- plasma desorption ionization in mass spectrometry
- plasma in biology
- plasma in spectrochemistry
- plasmid
- plastic flow
- plastic transition
- plate height,
in chromatography - plate number,
in chromatographyquantity - plateau border in surface chemistry
- pleiotropic gene
- ploidy
- plug-flow in catalysis
- plumbylenes
- plumbylidenes
- plume in atmospheric chemistry
- plus, minus
- pneumatic detector
- point group
- point of zero charge (p.z.c.)
unit- poison in catalysis
- Poisson distribution
- polar aprotic solvent
- polar effect
- polar solvent
- polarity
- polarizabilityquantity
- polarization,
- polarization error in spectrochemical analysis
- polarization,
in electrochemistryquantity - polarized interphases
- polarography
- polaron
- pollution (pollutant)
- pollution rose
- polyacid
- polyaddition
- polybase
- polybetaine
- polychromator
- polycondensation
- polycrystalline graphite
- polycyclic system
- polydent
- polydisperse medium
- polydisperse polymer
- polyelectrolyte
- polymer electrolyte
- polymeric electrolyte
- polyelectrolyte complex
- polyelectrolyte gel
- polyelectrolyte network
- polyfunctional catalysis
- polygranular carbon
- polygranular graphite
- polyhedral symbol
- polyhedranes
- polyions
- polyketides
- polymer
- polymer alloy
- polymer blend
- polymer catalyst
- polymer compatibilizer
- polymer complexation
- polymer complex formation
- polymer composite
- polymer crystal
- polymer crystallite
- polymer cyclization
- polymer degradation
- polymer drug
- polymer functionalization
- polymer gel
- polymer membrane
- polymer molecule
- polymer network
- polymer phase-transfer catalyst
- polymer reactant
- polymer reagent
- polymer-supported reagent
- polymer reaction
- polymer solvent
- polymer sorbent
- polymer support
- polymer surfactant
- polymer-derived ceramic (PDC)
- polymer-metal complex
- polymer-poor phase
- polymer-rich phase
- polymer-supported catalyst
- polymer-supported reaction
- polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- polymeric
- polymeric inner salt
- polymeric sol
- polymeric stationary phase (material) in liquid chromatography
- polymerization
- polymer–polymer complex
- polymer–solvent interaction
- polymolecularity correction
- polymorphic transition
- polypeptides
- polyprenols
- polyquinanes (polyquinenes)
- polysaccharides
- polysulfanes
- polysulfides
- polytopal rearrangement
- polytypic transition
- pooled relative standard deviation
- pooled standard deviation
- population inversion
- pore size distribution
- Porod–Kratky chain in polymers
- porosity
- porous-layer open-tabular (PLOT) column
in chromatography - porphyrinogens
- porphyrins
- position-sensitive photomultiplier tube
- positive feedback
- positive ion in mass spectrometry
- positron
- positronium
- post-column derivatization in chromatography
- post-filter effect in luminescence spectroscopy
- postprecipitation
- potential at the point of zero charge (p.z.c.)
- potential energy,
quantity - potential of a cell reaction
- potential temperature
- potential-determining (p.d.) ions
- potential-energy profile
- potential-energy (reaction) surface
- potentiation
- potentiometer
- potentiometric detection method
in electrochemical analysis - potentiometric selectivity coefficient
- power,
quantity - power level
- pre-association
- pre-equilibrium in solvent extraction
- pre-equilibrium (prior equilibrium)
- pre-exponential factor,
quantity -factorquantity
- pre-filter effect in luminescence spectroscopy
- pre-gel regime
- pre-gel state
- pre-polymer
- pre-polymer molecule
- pre-reactive complexes
- precipitation
- precipitation fractionation of polymers
- precipitation from homogeneous solution
in analysis - precipitation in sol-gel processing
- precipitation titration
- precision
- precision of a balance
- precision of a weighing
- precision of indication of a balance
- preconcentration coefficient
of a desired microcomponent in trace analysis - preconcentration in trace analysis
- precursor complex
- precursor in radioanalytical chemistry
- precursor ion in mass spectrometry
- predissociation
- preferential sorption in polymers
- premium coke
- premix burner in flame spectroscopy
- prenols
- prepolymer
- prepreg
- pressure,
- pressure flow
- pressure gradient correction factor
in gas chromatography - pressure jump
- pressure-induced transition
- pressure-sensitive detector
- pretreatment of a catalyst
- primary crystallization
- primary current distribution
- primary electrons (pe)
in in situ microanalysis - primary excitation of X-rays
- primary isotope effect
- primary kinetic electrolyte effect
- primary kinetic isotope effect
- primary mixture
- primary particle in catalysis
- primary pH standards
- primary photochemical process (primary
- primary (photo)process
- primary (photo)product
- primary pollutant in atmospheric chemistry
- primary sample
- primary standard
- primary structure
- primary structure
of a segment of a polypeptide - primitive change
- principal group
- principal ion in mass spectrometry
- principal moments of inertia
- principle of least nuclear motion
- principle of microscopic reversibility
- principle of minimum structural change
- prior distribution,
- prior equilibrium
- priority
- pro-E, pro-Z
- pro-R, pro-S
- probability density,
- probability,
- probe in biotechnology
- process
- prochirality
- prochirality centre
- product
- product development control
- product ion
- product state distribution
- product-determining step
- productivity,
in biotechnologyquantity - progenitor ion in mass spectrometry
- program
- programmed-flow chromatography (flow programming)
- programmed-pressure chromatography (pressure
- programmed-temperature chromatography (temperature
- projection formula
- prolate trochoidal mass spectrometer
- promoter (gene technology)
- promoter in catalysis
- promotion
- prompt coincidence
- prompt neutrons
- propagating reaction
- propagation
- propellanes
- property
- prophage
- proportional counter
- proportional counter tube
- proportional gas-scintillation counter
- proprochirality
- pros in histidine nomenclature
- prostaglandins
- prostanoids
- prosthetic group
- proteases
- protected lyophobic colloid
- protection of a reactive group
- protective action in colloid chemistry
- protein engineering
- proteins
- proteoglycan
- proteome
- protic
- protide
- protio
- protium
- protogenic (solvent)
- protolysis
- proton
- proton affinity
- proton charge
- proton magnetic momentconstant
- proton magnetogyric ratio
- proton rest massconstant
- proton transfer reaction
- protonated molecule in mass spectrometry
- protonation constant
- protophilic (solvent)
- protoplast
- prototrophs
- prototropic rearrangement (or prototropy)
- pseudo acids
- pseudo bases
- pseudo rate constant
- pseudo-asymmetric carbon atom
- pseudo-axial
- pseudo-catalysis
- pseudo-co-oligomer
- pseudo-copolymer
- pseudo-equatorial
- pseudo-first-order rate coefficient
- pseudo-first-order reaction
- pseudo-unimolecular
- pseudo-zero-order reaction
- pseudohalogens
- pseudomolecular rearrangement
- pseudopericyclic
- pseudorotation
- pseudoureas
- psychosine
- psychrometric hygrometer
- psychrometry
- puffing
- puffing inhibitor
- pulsatance
- pulse amplitude analyser
- pulse amplitude selector
- pulse duration in electroanalytical chemistry
- pulse height analyser
- pulse reactor in catalysis
- pump-dump-probe technique
- pump-probe technique
- purine bases
- pyramidal inversion
- pyranoses
- pyrimidine bases
- pyro
- pyroelectric detector
- pyrolysis
- pyrolysis-gas chromatography
- pyrolytic carbon
- pyrolytic graphite
- pyrromethenes
- Q-switched laser
- quadratic mean,
- quadro-
- quadrupole ion storage trap (Quistor)
- quadrupole mass analyser
- quadrupole splitting in Mössbauer spectroscopy
- qualitative analysis
- qualitative elemental specificity in analysis
- quality assurance
- quality control
- quality factor in nuclear analytical chemistry
- quality of solvent in polymer chemistry
- quantitative analysis
- quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) in drug design
- quantitative structure–activity relationships (QSAR)
- quantity
- quantity calculus
- quantity of dimension one (dimensionless quantity)
- quantized internal energy
- quantum counter
- quantum efficiency
- quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM)
- quantum of radiation
- quantum well multilayer
- quantum yield,
- quantum-mechanical tunnelling
- quarter-transition-time potential
- quartet state
- quartz–iodine lamp
- quasi-axial
- quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) method
- quasi-enantiomers
- quasi-equatorial
- quasi-equilibrium
- quasi-molecular ion in mass spectrometry
- quasi-racemic compound
- quasi-single-strand polymer
- quaternary ammonium compounds
- quaternary structure
- quaterpolymer
- quencher
- quenching
- quenching constant in photochemistry
- quenching correction in photochemistry
- quinarenes
- quinhydrones
- quinomethanes
- quinomethides (quinone methides)
- quinone diazides
- quinones
- quinonimines (quinone imines)
- quinonoximes
- Quistor
- ρ-value (rho-value)
- ρσ-equation (rho-sigma equation)
- r, s
- R, S
- R*, S*
- rabbit
- rac
- racemate
- racemic
- racemic compound
- racemic conglomerate
- racemic mixture
- racemization
- racemo structures in polymers
unit- radial development
- radial electrostatic field analyser
in mass spectrometry - radial elution (radial development) or circular elution
(circular development)
in planar chromatography
unit- radiance,
- radiant emittance
- radiant energy,
quantity - radiant energy density,
quantity - radiant (energy) flux,
- radiant exitance,
- radiant exposure,
- radiant flux
- radiant intensity,
- intensityquantity
- radiant power,
- radiant quantities
- radiation
- radiation chemistry
- radiation constants
- radiation continuum in spectrochemistry
- radiation counter
- radiation detector
- radiation hazard
- radiation reaction
- radiation spectrum
- radiation trapping
- radiationless deactivation
- radiationless decay
- radiationless transition
- radiative absorption in spectrochemistry
- radiative capture
- radiative de-excitation in spectrochemistry
- radiative energy transfer
- trivial energy transfer
- radiative lifetime,
- natural lifetimequantity
- radiative transition
- radical anion
- radical cation
- radical centre(s)
- radical combination
- radical copolymerization
- radical disproportionation
- radical (free radical)
- radical ion
- radical pair (geminate pair)
- radical photosubstitution
- free-radical photosubstitution
- radical polymerization
- radicofunctional name
- radioactive
- radioactive age
- radioactive chain
- radioactive contamination
- radioactive cooling
- radioactive dating
- radioactive decay
- radioactive equilibrium
- radioactive fallout
- radioactive half life
- radioactive series
- radioactive source
- radioactive tracer
- radioactive tracer technique in analysis
- radioactive waste
- radioactivity
- radioanalytical chemistry
- radiochemical activation analysis
- radiochemical purification
- radiochemical purity
- radiochemical separation
- radiochemical yield
- radiochemistry
- radiochromatograph
- radiocolloid
- radioenzymatic assay
- radiograph
- radiogravimetric analysis
- radioimmunoassay
- radioiodination
- radioisotope
- radioisotope dilution analysis
- radioisotope induced X-ray emission analysis
- radioluminescence
- radiolysis
- radiometric analysis
- radiometric titration
- radiometry
- radionuclide
- radionuclidic purity
- radioreceptor assay
- radiorelease analysis
- radiosonde
- radius of gyration,
- raffinate
- rain out in atmospheric chemistry
- random coil in polymers
- random coincidence in nuclear chemistry
- random copolymer
- random copolymerization
- random error
- random sample
- range in analysis
- range of measurement of an analyser
- Raoult's law
- rate
- rate coefficient
- rate constant,
- rate law (empirical differential rate equation)
- rate of appearance
- rate of change of a quantity
- rate of change ratio
- rate of consumption,
- rate of conversion,
quantity - rate of disappearance
- rate of fluid consumption,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - rate of formation,
- rate of liquid consumption in flame spectroscopy
- rate of migration,
in electrophoresis - rate of nucleation
- rate of reaction,
- rate-controlling step
- rate-determining step (rate-limiting step)
- ratemeter in radiochemistry
- ratio
- raw coke
- Rayleigh ratio
- Rayleigh scattering
- rayon-based carbon fibres
- Re, Si
- re-extraction
- reactance,
quantity - reactant
- reacting bond rules
- reaction
- reaction barrier
- reaction chromatography
- reaction coordinate
- reaction cross-section,
quantity - reaction dynamics
- reaction injection moulding (RIM)
- reaction intermediate
- reaction mechanism
- reaction path
- reaction path degeneracy
- reaction probability,
- reaction stage
- reaction step
- reaction time
- reactive adsorption
- reactive blending
- reactive complex
- reactive desorption
- reactive polymer
- reactive polymer processing
- reactive (reactivity)
- reactive scattering
- reactivity index
- reactivity–selectivity principle (RSP)
- readability of a balance
- reading
- reagent
- real (electrified) interphase
- real potential of a species in a phase
- real surface (interface) area
- rearrangement
- rearrangement ion in mass spectrometry
- rearrangement stage
- rebound reaction
- receptor
- receptor in drug design
- recognition site
- recoil in radioanalytical chemistry
- recoil labelling
- recoil-free fraction in Mössbauer spectrometry
- recombinant DNA technology
- recombination fluorescence
- reconstructive transition
- recovery
- recovery factor in an extraction process
- recrystallization
- red shift
- redox ion exchangers
- redox polymer
- electron-exchange polymer
- oxidation-reduction polymer
- redox potential
- reduced adsorption
- reduced limiting sedimentation coefficient
- reduced mass,
quantity - reduced mobile phase velocity,
in chromatography
- reduced osmotic pressure
- reduced sample
- reduced sedimentation coefficient
- reduced species
- reduced viscosity of a polymer
- reducing in analytical chemistry
- reduction
- reductive elimination
- reductones
- referee sample
- reference atom
in organic reaction mechanisms - reference cell (or blank cell)
in spectrochemical analysis - reference dose (RfD)
- reference electrode
- reference material
- reference method
- reference procedure
in analysis of trace air constituents - reference state of an element
- reference value pH standard
- reflectance,
- reflectance factorquantity
- reflectivityquantity
- reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS)
- reflection factor
- reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED)
- refraction effects
- refractive index,
- refractive index increment in polymer chemistry
- regeneration of a catalyst
- regioselectivity (regioselective)
- regresssion analysis
- regular block in a polymer
- regular coke
- regular comb macromolecule
- regular macromolecule
- regular oligomer molecule
- regular polymer
- regular single-strand polymer
- regular star macromolecule
- regulator gene
- Rehm–Weller equation
- reinforced reaction injection moulding (RRIM)
- Reissert compounds
- rel
- relative
- relative activity
- relative adsorption
- relative atomic mass (atomic weight),
quantity - relative biological effectiveness of radiation
- relative configuration
- relative counting in nuclear chemistry
- relative density,
quantity - relative detection limit
- relative electrode potential
- relative elongation
- relative error
- relative hardness
- relative humidity
- relative local current density
- relative micellar mass
- relative molar mass
- relative molecular mass,
quantity - relative permeability,
quantity - relative permittivity,
quantity - relative preconcentration in trace analysis
- relative responsivity
- relative retardation,
in planar chromatographyquantity - relative retention,
in column chromatographyquantity - relative selectivity in catalysis
- relative spectral responsivity
- relative standard deviation,
- relative uncertainty
- relative viscosity
- relative viscosity increment
- relative volumic mass
- relativistic effects
- relaxation
- relaxation kinetics
- relaxation time
- releaser in analytical flame spectroscopy
unit- Renner–Teller effect
- reorganization energy in electron transfer
- reorganization in polymers
- repeatability
- repeating distance
- repetency
- replacement name
- replacement operation in organic nomenclature
- replicate (duplicate) sample
- replication
- report in analysis
- reprecipitation
- representative sample
- repression
- reproducibility
- repulsive potential-energy surface
- reserve sample
- residence time
- residence time (hydraulic retention time),
in biotechnologyquantity - residual current
- residual emission anisotropyquantity
- residual fuel/oil
- residual liquid junction (potential) error
in pH measurement - residual spectrum/background spectrum
in mass spectrometry - resin
- resist polymer
- resistance,
quantity - resistivity,
quantity - resolution in gas chromatography
- resolution in mass spectroscopy
- resolution in optical spectroscopy
- resolution in stereochemistry
- resolving power in mass spectrometry
- resolving power,
in optical spectroscopyquantity - resolving time correction
in nuclear analytical chemistry - resolving time
in nuclear analytical chemistry - resonance
- resonance absorption technique
- resonance broadening of a spectral line
- resonance cross-section
in Mössbauer spectrometry - resonance effect
- resonance effect magnitude
in Mössbauer spectrometry - resonance emission
- resonance energy
- resonance energy in radiochemistry
- resonance fluorescence
- resonance fluorescence technique
- resonance hybrid
- resonance integral,
- resonance integral in radiochemistry
- resonance lamp
- resonance line in photochemistry
- resonance line in X-ray spectroscopy
- resonance neutrons
- resonance radiation
- response constant in electroanalytical chemistry
- response time,
of a detectorquantity - response time of an analyser
- responsive gel
- responsivity,
in detection of radiationquantity - rest point of a balance
- restricted rotation
- restriction enzymes
- result in analysis
- retardation factor,
in column chromatographyquantity - retardation factor,
in planar chromatographyquantity - retarder
- retentate
- retention efficiency in particle separation
- retention factor,
in column chromatographyquantity - retention in nuclear chemistry
- retention index,
in column chromatographyquantity - retention of configuration
- retention temperature in chromatography
- retention time in chromatography
- retention volumes in chromatography
- reticulation in catalysis
- retinoids
- retro
- retro-ene reaction
- retroaddition
- retrocycloaddition
- reverse micelle (or reversed micelle)
- reverse osmosis
- reverse transcriptases
- reversed direct-injection burner
in analytical flame spectroscopy - reversed (radiochemical) isotope dilution analysis
- reversed-phase chromatography
- reversible network
- reversible transition
- revolutions per minute
in chromatography- rheology
- rheopexic gel
- rheotropic gel
- rheopexy
- rhodamine dyes
- rhombohedral graphite
- ribbon delocalisation
- ribonucleic acids (RNA)
- ribonucleotides
- ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
- ribosomes
- Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel (RRK) theory
- Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel–Marcus (RRKM) theory
- riffling in analytical chemistry
- rigid chain
- ring assembly
- ring reversal (ring inversion)
- ring-opening copolymerization
- ring-opening polymerization
- ring-sector
- Ringelmann chart in atmospheric chemistry
- ringing gel
- humming gel
- rise time of a radiation detector
- rise time of an analyser
- risk
- risk assessment
- risk estimation
- Ritchie equation
value in planar chromatographyquantity- RNA
- rod-like morphology
unit- root-mean-square end-to-end distance,
in polymers - Rosanoff convention
- rotamer
- rotational barrier
- rotational constants
- rotational correlation time,
- rotational diffusion
- rotational diffusion coefficient
- rotational frequency,
in centrifugationquantity - rotational relaxation time,
- rotational term,
quantity - rotator phase transition
- rotatory power
- rotaxanes
- rotenoids
- rotometer in atmospheric chemistry
- roughness factor (rugosity) of a surface
- rovibronic state
- Rp, Sp
- rRNA
- RS
- rubredoxin
- ruby laser
- rupture of a thin film
- Rutherford backscattering (RBS)
- Rydberg constantconstant
- Rydberg orbital
- Rydberg state
- Rydberg transition
- σ, π (sigma, pi)
- σ → σ* transition
- σ-adduct
- σ-bond
- σ-constant
- σ-orbital
- S
- s-cis, s-trans
- saccharides
- Sackur–Tetrode constant
- sacrificial acceptor
- sacrificial donor
- sacrificial hyperconjugation
- saddle point
- salt
- salt effect
- salt form of an ion exchanger
- salting out
- sample error in spectrochemical analysis
- sample handling in analysis
- sample in analytical chemistry
- sample injector in chromatography
- sample unit
- sampler
- sampling error
- sampling interval in electroanalysis
- sampling plan in analytical chemistry
- sampling time in electroanalysis
- sandwich compounds
- sanitary land fill
- saprophyte
- saturated solution
- saturation
- saturation activity
- saturation capacity
- saturation fraction,
quantity - saturation in radioanalytical chemistry
- saturation loading
- saturation transfer
- saturation vapour pressure
- sawhorse projection
- Saytzeff rule
- sc
- scaler
- scaling circuit
- scaling factor
- scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
- scanning method in mass spectrometry
- scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)
- scattering
- scattering angle,
quantity - scattering cross-section,
- scattering error in spectrochemical analysis
- scattering matrix
- scattering plane
- scattering vector
- scavenger
- scavenging
- Schenck reaction
- Schenck-sensitization mechanism
- Schiff bases (Schiff's bases)
- Schiller layers
- Schottky-barrier photodiode
- Schulze–Hardy rule
- Schulz–Zimm distribution
- scintillation
- scintillation counter
- scintillation detector
- scintillation spectrometer
- scintillators
- scrambling
- scrubber in atmospheric chemistry
- scrubbing
- seco-
unit- second messenger
- second of arc
- second-order transition
- secondary crystallization
- secondary current distribution
- secondary electron multiplier in mass spectrometry
- secondary electron yield
in in situ microanalysis - secondary electrons (se)
in in situ microanalysis - secondary excitation of X-rays
- secondary fluorescence
in X-ray emission spectroscopy - secondary ionization in mass spectrometry
- secondary isotope effect
- secondary kinetic electrolyte effect
- secondary kinetic isotope effect
- secondary metabolites
- secondary pollution (emissions)
- secondary radiation
- secondary standard
- secondary structure
- secular equation
- secular equilibrium
- sediment
- sedimentation
- sedimentation coefficient,
- sedimentation equilibrium
- sedimentation field strength
- sedimentation in chemistry
- sedimentation potential difference (sedimentation
- sedimentation velocity method
- sedimentation velocity,
- sedimentation volume
- segment in analytical chemistry
- segmented copolymer
- segregated star macromolecule
- segregation
- segregation in polymers
- selected area electron diffraction (SAED)
- selected ion monitoring in mass spectrometry
- selection in biotechnology
- selection rule
- selective corrosion
- selective detector
- selective digestion in spectrochemical analysis
- selective elution in chromatography
- selective in analysis
- selective inhibition in catalysis
- selective micro-sample in spectrochemical analysis
- selective poisoning in catalysis
- selective preconcentration in trace analysis
- selective sample
- selective solvent in polymer chemistry
- selective sorption in polymer chemistry
- selectively labelled
- selectivity
- selectivity coefficient,
in ion exchange chromatography - selectivity factor
in ion exchange chromatography - selectivity factor,
quantity - selectivity in analysis
- selectivity of a reagent
- selectivity ratio
- selenenic acids
- selenides
- seleninic acids
- selenocyanates
- selenols
- selenones
- selenonic acids
- selenoxides
- self inductance,
- self-absorption
- self-absorption broadening of a spectral line
- self-absorption effect
in luminescence spectroscopy - self-absorption factor of a radiation source
- self-diffusion coefficient
- self-localized excitations in conjugated organic polymers
- self-poisoning in catalysis
- self-quenching
- self-reversal
- self-shielding
- selones
- semi-empirical quantum mechanical methods
- semi-interpenetrating polymer network (SIPN)
- semi-rigid chain
- semicarbazones
- semicoke
- semiconductor
- semiconductor detector
- semiconductor laser
- semiconductor-metal transition
- semioxamazones
- semiquinones
- semisystematic name (semitrivial name)
- seniority (senior) in organic nomenclature
- sensitive area of a radiation detector
- sensitive volume of a radiation detector
- sensitivity in mass spectrometry
- sensitivity,
in metrology and analytical chemistryquantity - sensitization
- sensitization in colloid chemistry
- sensitized luminescence
- sensitizer
- separability assumption
- separated flame in flame spectroscopy
- separation coefficient
- separation factor,
in column chromatographyquantity - separation factor,
in liquid-liquid distributionquantity - separation number,
in chromatographyquantity - separation temperature in chromatography
- sequence
- sequence rules
- sequencing (proteins, nucleic acids)
- sequential analyser
- sequential indication of an analyser
- sequential interpenetrating polymer network
- sequential measuring cell
- sequential sample
- sequential semi-interpenetrating polymer network
- sequential spectrometer
- series of analytical results
- serum
- sesquiterpenoids
- sesterterpenoids
- settling chamber in atmospheric chemistry
- settling error in spectrochemical analysis
- settling velocity
- shape selectivity in catalysis
- shape-memory polymer
- shear breakdown
- shear dependent viscosity
- shear modulus,
- shear rate
- shear strain,
quantity - shear stress,
quantity - shear thickening
- shear thinning
- shear transition
- shear viscosity
- shielded flame in flame spectroscopy
- shielding
- shielding constant,
quantity - shish-kebab structure
- short chain
- short-chain branch
- short-range intramolecular interactions
in polymers - shrinkage
- shut-down state in analysis
- shut-down time in analysis
- shuttle vector
- SI
- Si
- sialon
- side chain
- side group
- side group or side-chain polymer liquid crystal
unit- sigmatropic rearrangement
- signal in analysis
- signal sequence
- silanes
- silanols
- silasesquiazanes
- silasesquioxanes
- silasesquithianes
- silathianes
- silazanes
- silicones
- siloxanes
- silver film
- silyl groups
- silyl radicals
- silylene
- simple shear
- simulation technique in analysis
- simultaneous interpenetrating polymer network
- simultaneous nucleation
- simultaneous pair transitions
- simultaneous reactions
- simultaneous semi-interpenetrating polymer network
- simultaneous spectrometer
- single cell protein (SCP)
- single channel pulse height analyser
- single escape peak
- single scattering
- single-beam (luminescence) spectrometer
- single-electron transfer mechanism (SET)
- single-focusing mass spectrometer
- single-photon timing
- single-step reaction
- single-strand chain in a polymer
- single-strand macromolecule
- single-strand polymer
- singlet molecular oxygen (singlet molecular dioxygen)
- singlet state
- singlet-singlet absorption
- singlet-singlet annihilation
- singlet-singlet energy transfer
- singlet-triplet absorption
- singlet-triplet energy transfer
- singlet–triplet crossing
- singly labelled
- sink in atmospheric chemistry
- sintering
- size-exclusion chromatography (SEC)
- skeletal atom
- skeletal bond
- skeletal structure
- skew
- Slater determinant
- Slater-type orbital
- slip
- slip casting
- slot burner
- slow neutrons
- SM-interference
- small particle in radiation scattering
- smectic state
- smog chamber in atmospheric chemistry
- smog in atmospheric chemistry
- smog index in atmospheric chemistry
- smoke
- smooth transition
- soap
- soap curd
- soap film
- soft acid
- soft base
- soft-segment phase domain
- soiling in atmospheric chemistry
- sol
- sol fraction
- sol-gel coating
- sol-gel critical concentration
- critical concentration
- sol-gel material
- sol-gel metal oxide
- sol-gel process
- sol-gel silica
- sol-gel transition
- solar conversion efficiency
- solar flare
- solar radiation in atmospheric chemistry
- solid angle,
quantity - solid phase antibody radioimmunoassay
- solid polymer electrolyte
- solid solution
- solid state lasers
- solid support in column chromatography
- solid volume in column chromatography
- solidification
- solidus
- soliton
- solubility
- solubility parameter,
- solubility product
- solubilization
- solute
- solute-volatilization interference
in flame spectroscopy - solution
- solvation
- solvation energy
- solvatochromic relationship
- solvatochromism
- solvent
- solvent extraction
- solvent front in chromatography
- solvent in liquid-liquid distribution
- solvent ion exchange (SIX)
- solvent isotope effect
- solvent migration-distance in chromatography
- solvent parameter
- solvent regeneration in extraction processes
- solvent shift
- solvent-induced symmetry breaking
- solvent-separated ion pair
- solvent-shared ion pair
- solvolysis
- solvophobicity parameter,
quantity - solvus
- sonication
- sonogel
- sonoluminescence
- sonosol
- soot
- Soret band
- sorption in colloid chemistry
- sorption isotherm in ion exchange
- sorption techniques in trace analysis
- sorptive insertion in surface catalysis
- source efficiency of a radiation source
- sp
- space charge in a semiconductor
- space formula
- space time in catalysis
- space velocity in catalysis
- spacer
- spark (source) ionization in mass spectrometry
- spatial-distribution interference
in flame spectroscopy - spatially resolving detector of radiation
- special salt effect
- speciation analysis in chemistry
- speciation in chemistry
- species (taxonomic)
- specific
- specific acid–base catalysis
- specific activity,
in radiochemistryquantity - specific adsorption
- specific burn-up
- specific catalysis
- specific conductance
- specific detector in chromatography
- specific gravity
- specific heat capacity,
- specific in analysis
- specific ionization in nuclear chemistry
- specific permeability in chromatography
- specific pore volume of a catalyst
- specific retention volume in chromatography
- specific surface area in surface chemistry
- specific volume,
- specific weight
- specifically absorbing ion
- specifically labelled
- specifically labelled tracer
- specimen in analytical chemistry
- spectator mechanism
- spectator-stripping reaction
- spectral bandwidth error
in spectrochemical analysis - spectral distribution
- spectral fluence rate,
- spectral intensity
- spectral interference in flame spectroscopy
- spectral irradiance,
quantity - spectral overlap
- spectral (photon) effectiveness
- spectral photon exitance,
quantity - spectral photon flow,
quantity - spectral photon flux (photon irradiance),
quantity - spectral photon radiance,
quantity - spectral quantities
- spectral radiance,
quantity - spectral radiant energy,
- spectral radiant exitance,
quantity - spectral radiant flux
- spectral radiant intensity,
quantity - spectral radiant power,
quantity - spectral responsivity
- spectral responsivity function
- spectral sensitivity,
- actinometric factorquantity
- spectral sensitization
- spectral spheradiance
- spectrochemical buffer in atomic spectroscopy
- spectrochemical carrier in atomic spectroscopy
- spectrogram
- spectrograph
- spectrometer
- spectrometry
- spectroscope
- spectroscopy
- spectrum analysis
- specular reflectance (reflection factor),
in optical spectroscopyquantity - speed,
quantity - speed distribution function,
- speed of light in a vacuumconstant
- spherical carbonaceous mesophase
- spherical radiance
- spherical radiant exposure
- spherulite
- spin adduct
- spin conservation rule (Wigner rule)
- spin contamination
- spin counting
- spin crossover
- spin density
- spin label
- spin polarization
- spin probe
- spin projection
- spin trapping
- spin-allowed electronic transition
- spin-flip method
- spin-flip transition
- spin-flop transition
- spin-glass transition
- spin-orbit coupling
- spin-orbit coupling constant,
- spin-orbit splitting
- spin-Peierls transition
- spin-state transition
- spin-statistical factor (in diffusion-controlled reactions)
- spinodal
- spinodal curve
- spinodal decomposition
- spin–spin coupling
- spin–spin coupling constant,
- spiro atom
- spiro chain in a polymer
- spiro compounds
- spiro macromolecule
- spiro polymer
- spiro union
- splicing
- spontaneous emission
- spontaneous fission
- spontaneous resolution
- spot in chromatography
- spot sampling
- sprayer in flame spectroscopy
- spread monolayer
- spreading function in chromatography
- spreading wetting
- sputter yield
- sputtering
- square-wave current
- SR
- stability constant
- stable
- stable film, metastable film
- stable ion in mass spectrometry
- staggered conformation
- stagnant inversion in atmospheric chemistry
- stand-by state in analysis
- standard acceleration of free fall
- standard atmosphere
- standard atomic weights
- standard chemical potential
- standard concentration
- standard conditions for gases
- standard deviation,
- standard electrode potential,
- standard electromotive force
- standard entropy of activation,
- standard equilibrium constant,
- standard Gibbs energy of activation
- standard hydrogen electrode
- standard molality
- standard potential of an electrode reaction
- standard potential of the reaction in a chemical
- standard pressure
- standard rate constant of an electrode reaction
- standard reaction quantities
- standard solution
- standard state
- standard subtraction method
in electroanalytical chemistry - standard thermodynamic quantities
- standard uncertainty
- stannoxanes
- stannylenes
- stannylidenes
- star copolymer
- star macromolecule
- star polymer
- Stark effect
- start-up time in analysis
- starting line in chromatography
- starting point in chromatography
- state crossing
- state diagram
- state-to-state kinetics
- static fields mass spectrometer
- static pressure
- static quenching
- static stability
- stationary phase (fermentation)
- stationary phase in chromatography
- stationary phase volume,
in chromatography - stationary state
- stationary-phase fraction
- statistical coil in polymers
- statistical copolymer
- statistical copolymerization
- statistical factor
- statistical pseudo-copolymer
- statistical segment in polymers
- statistical weight
- steady state approximation (treatment)
- steady state
in liquid-liquid distribution - steady state (stationary state)
- Stefan–Boltzmann constantconstant
- stem cell
- stem in polymer crystals
- step height in chromatography
- step in chromatography
- stepped surface
- stepwise elution in chromatography
- stepwise reaction
- steradianunit
- stereoblock macromolecule
- stereoblock polymer
- stereochemical formula (stereoformula)
- stereochemical non-rigidity
- stereoconvergence
- stereodescriptor
- stereoelectronic
- stereoelectronic control
- stereoformula
- stereogenic unit (stereogen/stereoelement)
- stereoheterotopic
- stereohomosequence in a polymer
- stereoisomerism
- stereoisomers
- stereomutation
- stereoregular macromolecule
- stereoregular polymer
- stereorepeating unit in a polymer
- stereoselective polymerization
- stereoselective synthesis
- stereoselectivity
- stereosequence in a polymer
- stereospecific polymerization
- stereospecifically labelled tracer
- stereospecificity (stereospecific)
- steric effect
- steric factor
- steric factor in polymers
- steric hindrance
- steric isotope effect
- steric strain
- steric-approach control
- Stern layer
- Stern–Volmer kinetic relationships
- steroids
- sterols
- stibanes
- stibanylidenes
- stibines
- stibinidenes
- stibonium compounds
- sticking coefficient in surface chemistry
- sticking probability in surface chemistry
- sticky ends in biotechnology
- stimulated emission
- stirred flow reactor in catalysis
- stochastic effect
- stochastic sampling
- stochastic theories
- Stock number
- Stockholm convention
- stoichiometric
- stoichiometric capacity
- stoichiometric concentration,
- stoichiometric mean molal (practical activity coefficient)
in electrochemistry - stoichiometric number,
- stoichiometry
- stokesunit
- Stokes law
- Stokes number,
quantity - Stokes parameters
- Stokes shift
- Stokes type radiation
- stopped flow
- stopped-flow cell in spectrochemical analysis
- stopping power
- strain
- strain energy
- strain-induced transition
- stratified film
- stratified sample
- stratocumulus cloud
- stratopause
- stratosphere
- stratus cloud
- stray radiation error in spectrochemical analysis
- streak camera
- streak tube
- streaming birefringence
- streaming current
- streaming potential difference (streaming potential)
- stress graphitization
- stress-assisted transition
- strip dynode photomultiplier tube
- stripping
- stripping isotherm
- stripping ratio in solvent extraction
- stripping reaction
- stripping solution
in liquid-liquid distribution - strong collision
- structural disorder
- structural formula
- structural stability
- structural transition
- structure of a catalyst
- structure-based design in drug design
- structure-property correlations (SPC)
- structure–activity relationship (SAR)
- styphnates
- subchain of a polymer
- subgroup-supergroup transition
- subjacent orbital
- sublation in solvent extraction
- sublimation
- subphase in thin films
- subsample
- substance concentration
- substance content,
- substance flow rate
- substance fraction,
quantity - substituent atom (group)
- substituent electronegativity
- substitution reaction
- substitutive name
- substoichiometric extraction
- substoichiometric isotope dilution analysis
- substrate
- substrate in biocatalysis
- substrate in thin films
- subtractive name
- successor complex
- sudden polarization
- sudden potential-energy surface
- sugars
- suicide inhibition
- suicide metabolism
- sulfamic acids
- sulfanes
- sulfatides
- sulfenamides
- sulfenes
- sulfenic acids
- sulfenium ions
- sulfenyl groups
- sulfenyl nitrenes
- sulfenyl radicals
- sulfenylium ions
- sulfides
- sulfilimines
- sulfimides
- sulfimines
- sulfinamides
- sulfinamidines
- sulfines
- sulfinic acids
- sulfinic anhydrides
- sulfinimines
- sulfinylamines
- sulfolipids
- sulfonamides
- sulfonamidines
- sulfonediimines
- sulfones
- sulfonic acids
- sulfonic anhydrides
- sulfonimides
- sulfonium compounds
- sulfonphthaleins
- sulfonylamines
- sulfoxides
- sulfoximides
- sulfoximines
- sulfur diimides
- sultams
- sultims
- sultines
- sultones
- sum of states,
- summit current in polarography
- summit potential
- superabsorbent polymer
- superacid
- superbase
- superconducting transition
- supercritical drying of a gel
- supercritical fluid
- supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC)
- superequivalent adsorption
- superexchange interaction
- superficial work in surface chemistry
- superlattice
- superposability
- superradiance
- supersaturation
- support of a catalyst
- support plate in chromatography
- support-coated open-tubular (SCOT) column
in chromatography - supporting electrolyte
- suppressor
- suprafacial
- supramolecular chemistry
- supramolecule
- surface
- surface active agent
- surface amount,
quantity - surface barrier semiconductor detector
- surface catalysis
- surface charge density,
quantity - surface charge layer
- surface chemical potential
- surface concentration,
quantity - surface contamination in surface analysis
- surface coverage,
- surface crossing
- surface density,
quantity - surface dilatational viscosity
- surface dipole layer
- surface electric potential
- surface excess,
- surface excess concentration (at an interface),
- surface (excess) conductivity
- surface excess energy
- surface excess enthalpy
- surface excess entropy
- surface excess Gibbs energy
- surface excess Helmholtz energy
- surface excess isotherm
- surface fractal dimension
- surface grafting
- surface ionization in mass spectrometry
- surface ions
- surface layer (or interfacial layer)
- surface of a phase (free surface)
- surface of tension
- surface potential
- surface pressure
- surface reaction in electrochemistry
- surface region
- surface rheology
- surface shear viscosity
- surface states
- surface stress,
- surface tension,
quantity - surface work
- surfactant (surface active agent)
- surprisal analysis
- surprisal,
- suspended matter in atmospheric chemistry
- suspension
- suspension effect in an ion-selective electrode
- Swain–Lupton equation
- Swain–Scott equation
- swelling agent
- swelling in colloid and surface chemistry
- swelling pressure in colloid and surface chemistry
- switchboard model in polymer crystals
- switching transition
- sydnone imines
- sydnones
- sym-
- symbiosis
- symbol in quantities and units
- symmetrical films
- symmetry number,
quantity - symmetry-breaking transition
- symmetry-conserving transition
- symproportionation
- syn
- synartetic acceleration
- synchronization (principle of nonperfect
- synchronous
- synchronously excited (fluorescence, phosphorescence)
- synchrotron radiation
- synclinal
- syndet
- syndiotactic macromolecule
- syndiotactic polymer
- syndiotactic triads in polymers
- syneresis
- synergism in solvent extraction
- synergism in toxicology
- synoptic scale
- synperiplanar
- syntectic reaction
- synthetic graphite
- system
- system of units of measurement
- systematic error
- systematic name
- Système International d'Unités
- systemic effect
- Szilard–Chalmers effect
- θ state in polymers
- θ temperature in polymers
- T-jump
- tactic block in a polymer
- tactic block polymer
- tactic macromolecule
- tactic polymer
- tacticity
- Taft equation
- tagged
- tailing in chromatography
- tandem mass spectrometer
- target in biology
- tautomeric effect
- tautomerism
- tautomerization
- tele in histidine nomenclature
- tele-substitution
- telechelic molecule
- telechelic polymer
- telechelic oligomer
- tellurides
- tellurones
- telomer
- telomerization
- temperature
- temperature coefficient of responsivity
- temperature effect in luminescence spectroscopy
- temperature inversion in atmospheric chemistry
- temperature jump
- temperature lapse rate in atmospheric chemistry
- temperature-programmed chromatography
- template in biotechnology
- temporary poisoning in catalysis
- teraSI unit prefix
- term in X-ray spectroscopy
- term symbols
- term,
quantity - termination
- terminator in biotechnology
- termolecular
- terpenes
- terpenoids
- terpolymer
- tertiary current distribution
- tertiary structure
unit- test portion
- test sample
- test solution in analysis
- tetracyclines
- tetrads in polymers
- tetrahedral intermediate
- tetrahedro-
- tetrapyrroles
- tetraterpenoids
- texture of a catalyst
- theoretical ceramic yield
- theoretical plate number
- thermal analysis
- thermal black
- thermal column in nuclear chemistry
- thermal conductance,
- thermal conductivity,
quantity - thermal conductivity detector
in gas chromatography - thermal curing
- thermal detector
- thermal fission
- thermal ionization in mass spectrometry
- thermal lensing
- thermal neutrons
- thermal resistance,
- thermally activated delayed fluorescence
- thermally-induced transition
- thermoacoustimetry
- thermochemical analysis
- thermochemical calorie
- thermochromism
- thermocouple
- thermodilatometry
- thermodynamic control of product composition
- thermodynamic energy
- thermodynamic equilibrium constant
- thermodynamic isotope effect
- thermodynamic quality of solvent
in polymer chemistry - thermodynamic temperature,
quantity - thermodynamically equivalent sphere
in polymer chemistry - thermoelectrometry
- thermogram
- thermogravimetry (TG)
- thermoluminescence
- thermolysis
- thermomagnetometry
- thermomechanical measurement
- thermometric
- thermometric enthalpy titration
- thermometric titration
- thermoparticulate analysis
- thermophile
- thermophotometry
- thermopile
- thermoplastic elastomer
- thermoptometry
- thermoreversible gel
- thermoreversible junction point
- thermoreversible network
- thermosetting polymer
- thermosonimetry
- thermosphere
- thermotropic mesophase
- thiazynes
- thick film
- thickness of diffusion layer in electrochemistry
- thickness of electrical double layer
- thickness of reaction layer in electrochemistry
- thin film
- thin-layer chromatography
- thio
- thioacetals
- thioaldehyde S-oxides
- thioaldehydes
- thioanhydrides
- thiocarboxylic acids
- thiocyanates
- thioethers
- thiohemiacetals
- thioketone S-oxides
- thioketones
- thiolates
- thiols
- thionylamines
- third body
- thixotropic gel
- thixotropy
- thiyl radicals
- threo
- threo structures in a polymer
- threshold energy,
quantity - threshold limit value (TLV)
- through-bond electron transfer
- through-space electron transfer
- throughput rate
- throwing power
- TICT emission
- TICT state
- tie molecule in polymers
- tight ion pair
- time,
quantity - time constant,
of a detectorquantity - time,
of centrifugationquantity - time of deactivation in heterogeneous catalysis
- time
of solidification of thixotropic recovery - time-correlated single photon counting
- time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT)
- time-dependent stoichiometry
- time-independent stoichiometry
- time-of-flight mass spectrometer
- time-resolved anisotropy,
- time-resolved fluorometry
- time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC)
- time-resolved spectroscopy
- titrant
- titration
- titration curve
- titration error
- titre (titer)
unit- topical effect
- topochemical reaction
- topomerization
- topomers
- topotactic reaction
- topotactic transition
- torque,
- torquoselectivity
unit- torsion angle
- torsional braid analysis
- torsional stereoisomers
- torsional strain
- total absorption peak
- total chemiflux
- total consumption time
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - total ion current in mass spectrometry
- total radiant power
- total retention volume (time),
in column chromatography - total velocity of the analyte,
in capillary electrophoresisquantity
- totally porous packing in chromatography
- toxicity
- toxicodynamics
- toxicokinetics
- toxicology
- toxin
- toxinology
- trace element
- traceability
- tracer
- track detector (nuclear)
- track (nuclear)
- trajectory in reaction dynamics
- trans
- trans conformation in polymers
- trans- in inorganic nomenclature
- trans-fused
- transannular strain
- transcription in biotechnology
- transducer
- transduction in biotechnology
- transfer
- transfer activity coefficient,
- transfer in analysis
- transfer line
- transfer RNA (tRNA)
- transferability
- transferases
- transformation
- transformation in gene technology
- transient (chemical) species
- transient crosslink
- transient junction point
- transient network
- transient phase (induction period)
- transient spectroscopy
- transient-stimulated emission pumping (TSEP)
- transit time,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - transition
- transition coordinate
- transition (dipole) moment
- electronic transition moment
- transition element
- transition interval in titrimetric analysis
- transition layer
- transition polarization
- transition probability for absorption
in spectrochemistry - transition probability for spontaneous emission
in spectrochemistry - transition probability for stimulated emission
in spectrochemistry - transition species
- transition state
- transition state analogue
- transition state theory
- transition structure
- transition temperature (for liquid crystals)
- transition time in electroanalytical chemistry
- transition wavenumber,
quantity - translation in biotechnology
- translational spectroscopy
- transmission
- transmission coefficient
- transmission electron energy loss spectroscopy
- transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
- transmission factor
- transmission high energy electron diffraction
- transmission in mass spectrometry
- transmittance,
- transoid conformation
- transport control
- transport in analysis
- transport interference in flame spectroscopy
- transport number,
quantity - transposon
- transtactic polymer
- trapping
- travel time,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometryquantity - treated solution in analytical chemistry
- triads
- triangulo-
- triazanes
- triazenes
- triboluminescence
- trimethylenemethanes
- trioxides
- triple point
- triplet state
- triplet-triplet absorption
- triplet-triplet annihilation
- triplet-triplet energy transfer (TTET)
- triplet-triplet transitions
- triprismo-
- tritactic polymer
- triterpenoids
- tritide
- tritio
- tritium
- triton
- trivial name
- tRNA
- Troe expression
- tropilidenes
- tropolones
- tropones
- tropopause
- troposphere
- tropyl radicals
- tropylium ions
- true coincidence in radiochemistry
- 'true' rate constant
- true value,
in analysis - tub conformation
- tunable laser in spectrochemical analysis
- Tung distribution
of a macromolecular assembly - tungsten-halogen lamp
- tunnelling
- turbidimetric titration
- turbidity,
in light scatteringquantity - turnover frequency in catalysis
- turnstile rotation
- turntable reactor
- twist form
- twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT)
- two-colour indicator
- two-dimensional chromatography
- two-photon excitation
- two-photon photochromism
- two-photon process
- two-site immunoradiometric assay
- u
- ulosonic acids
- ultimate capacity in solvent extraction
- ultrafiltrate
- ultrafiltration
- ultrasonic detector in gas chromatography
- ultraviolet (UV)
- UV
- umpire sample
- umpolung
- unactivated adsorption process
- uncertainty of measurement
- uniaxial pressing
- uniaxial sample
- unified atomic mass unitunit
- uniform corrosion
- uniform polymer
- uniformly labelled
- uniformly labelled tracer
- unimolecular
- unit cell
- unit (item/portion/individual)
in analytical chemistry - unit of measurement
- unit system
- universal calibration in chromatography
- universal detector in chromatography
- unperturbed dimensions in polymers
- unreactive
- unresolved peak in chromatography
- unstable
- unstable film
- unstable ion in mass spectrometry
- unsymmetrical films
- unzipping
- upconversion
- upfield
- uphill transport in membrane processes
- upper critical solution temperature
- upper limit of measurement
in atmospheric trace component analysis - upstream in membrane processes
- uptake
- ureides
- urethanes (urethans)
- uronic acids
- uronium salts
- useful spectral range
- UV dose
- UV photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS)
- UV stabilizer
- vaccine
- vacuum phototube
- vacuum system in mass spectrometry
- valence
- valence band
- valence isomer
- valence tautomerization
- valence transition
- value of a division
of a precision balance scale - value of a quantity
- van der Waals adsorption
- van der Waals broadening
of a spectral line - van der Waals forces
- vaporization temperature,
in electrothermal atomization - vapour phase interference in analysis
- variable,
- variable pathlength cell
in spectrochemical analysis - variance
- variational transition state theory
- variegated star macromolecule
- Vavilov rule
- vector in biotechnology
- velocity,
- velocity in mass transport
- verdazyl radicals
- vertical ionization
- (vertical) rise velocity,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - (vertical) rise velocity,
in flame emission and absorption spectrometry - vertical transition
- Verwey transition
- vibrational redistribution
- vibrational relaxation
- vibrational term,
- vibrationally adiabatic transition-state theory
- vibronic coupling
- vibronic transition
- vidicon
- vinyl carbenes
- vinylic cations
- vinylic groups
- vinylidenes
- viologens
- virial coefficients
- virtual transition
- viscosity
- viscosity function,
quantity - viscosity number of a polymer
- viscosity ratio
- viscous sintering
- viscous flow sintering
- visibility in atmospheric chemistry
- visible
- volatilization
- volatilizer
unit- Volta potential difference
- voltage in electroanalysis
- voltammetric constant
- volume content,
- volume flow rate,
- volume fraction,
quantity - volume of activation,
quantity - volume of the stationary phase in chromatography
- volume rate
- volume reaction in electrochemistry
- volume strain,
quantity - bulk strainquantity
- volume viscosity (or dilatational viscosity)
- volumetric flowrate in gas chromatography
- volumic
- vulcanization
- Wagner number
- Walden inversion
- wall-coated open-tubular (WCOT) column
in chromatography - wash out in atmospheric chemistry
unit- wave height (electrochemical)
- wavefunction,
- state function
- wavelength,
quantity - wavelength converter
- wavelength dispersion
in X-ray emission spectroscopy - wavelength error in spectrochemical analysis
- wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis
- wavenumber,
quantity - weak collision
- weathering
unit- wedge projection
- weight,
- weight-distribution function
- weighted mean
- Weller correlation
- Westcott cross-section
- wet bulb temperature
- wetting
- wetting tension (or work of immersional wetting per unit
- Wheland intermediate
- Wiegner effect
- Wigner matrices
- Wigner rule
- Wilzbach labelling
- wind rose
- Wittig reagents
- wolfram lamp
- tungsten lamp
- Wood horn
- Wood lamp
- Woodward–Hoffmann rules
- work,
- work hardening
- work of adhesion
- work of cohesion per unit area
- work of immersional wetting per unit area
- work of separation
- work softening
- working electrode
- worm-like chain in polymers
- ξ- (xi-)
- x unitunit
- X-radiation
- X-ray escape peak
- X-ray fluorescence
- X-ray fluorescence analysis
- X-ray intensity
- X-ray level
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
- X-ray satellite
- X-ray spectroscopy
- xanthates
- xanthene dyes
- xanthic acids
- xanthophylls
- xenobiotic
- xenon lamp
- xerogel
- xylylenes
- Yang photocyclization
unit- yield,
in biotechnologyquantity - yield stress
- ylides
- ynamines
- ynols
- yoctoSI unit prefix
- yottaSI unit prefix
- Yukawa–Tsuno equation
- ζ-potential
- Z
- Z-value
of a photochromic system
- Zaitsev rule
- Zeeman effect
- zeptoSI unit prefix
- zero differential overlap (ZDO) approximation
- zero field splitting
- zero point of a glass electrode
- zero point of scale of a balance
- zero–zero (0–0) absorption or emission
- zeta
- zettaSI unit prefix
- zig-zag projection
- Zimm plot
- zone in chromatography
- zone melting method of preconcentration
- Zucker–Hammett hypothesis
- zwitterionic compounds/zwitterions
- zwitterionic polymer
- zygote
This blog provide students a study material for chemistry to prepare for Medical entrance exams in INDIA. Its source of Article and contexts is from other Organizational websites.
This is a Non-Profit organization functioning under Smas-Club
This blog provide students a study material for chemistry to prepare for Medical entrance exams in INDIA. Its source of Article and contexts is from other Organizational websites.
This is a Non-Profit organization functioning under Smas-Club